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OpenPlugin by Casual

Created 14th September 2012 @ 10:48

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Quoted from maidos

do they actually do a banwave? wasnt there a method for valve to have a delayed ban and not do a ban wave to avoid the creator of cheating application getting aware that their cheats has been found out so they can quickly do counter meassures?

The plugin have existed for so long so i think more people should have been banned by now


Quoted from maidos

it seems ugc admin got vac banned because he was using this plugin

and also my friend got vacbanned aswell last week for using this plugin. Another, with my former etf2l hl team mate “ams” 2 months ago.

is it something we should concern at?

They probably used hacks and blame the plugin.


(ETF2L Donator)

I think OpenPlugin has huge potential as #1 excuse for a VAC ban. I’m sure it’ll beat “I got hacked” in no time at all.



Quoted from maidos

and also my friend got vacbanned aswell last week for using this plugin. Another, with my former etf2l hl team mate “ams” 2 months ago.

is it something we should concern at?

When I spoke to AMS he told me that he was using Counter-Strike cheats some time ago.

There are many players using OpenPlugin and they would’ve been long gone if Valve decided to ban for the plugin.



Last edited by Kemor,



So apparently Moose (one of the UGC admins and /r/truetf2 mods) just got VAC banned and is blaming it OpenPlugin.




Quoted from Skyride

So apparently Moose (one of the UGC admins and /r/truetf2 mods) just got VAC banned and is blaming it OpenPlugin.


Well, you never know! He might be the first.

But it’s unlikely.



Quoted from Skyride

So apparently Moose (one of the UGC admins and /r/truetf2 mods) just got VAC banned and is blaming it OpenPlugin.


This is double odd because UGC has explicitly banned OpenPlugin. Then why would an admin use it at all?

There’s another thing: since the source code is available someone can add ‘hacks’ (requires more in-depth knowledge, there’s no ‘easy’ way to do so here) to the plugin and distribute that. Shit gets banned and the blame is put on OpenPlugin, but it’s actually a modified version that allows actual cheats.



Quoted from Casual


This is double odd because UGC has explicitly banned OpenPlugin. Then why would an admin use it at all?

Hey guys,

I know you won’t care what I say, but let me explain what I know:

The only thing I’ve ever installed besides vanilla TF2 was OpenPlugin, and that was back in March to test it and make sure that it wasn’t a wallhack (and something that UGC ought to be concerned with). I didn’t use it in normal/match play, and the way you guys are talking is making it seem as though Valve is okay with the plugin. I’m just as confused as anyone else here is.

Last edited by quintosh,



Quoted from quintosh



They caught up on the signatures.
Oh wait, no they didn’t!



The reaction from casuals and pubbers is pretty hilarious. “Our lovely moose would never cheat!”

1) No one has ever been VAC banned for using OpenPlugin.
2) VAC bans in waves, so even if he REALLY was banned because of it, he’d be just one of hundreds.

The guy clearly used something dodgy. It might now have been in TF2 and it might not have been recently either, but the bottom line is it wasn’t OpenPlugin and to believe otherwise is to totally disregard all of the facts and evidence.

“my friendleague admin no hack, he good player!”

Last edited by Skyride,



As much as I’d like to say I told you so, if the cause of the ban were only OpenPlugin, we would have surely heard of more bans by now. Even if Valve decided to make an example of a community figure as a warning for others, why would they pick Moose? Why not some popular player known for using OpenPlugin regularily?

As far as ETF2L is concerned, this is no different from Thalash’s case.

Last edited by emb,



waiting for the day valve kills tf2 by getting half of etf2l banned O)

Last edited by IPZIE,



Is there a way to get in-game voice to work?


Quoted from alba

Is there a way to get in-game voice to work?

First decend question in this thread.

I still can’t figure out, why in-game voice chat doesn’t works for me anymore.

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