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Fps Issues by Zato1

Created 29th July 2012 @ 09:58

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For all the people who as me has a really bad pc (the Ram is replaced with hamster ;) hahaha )

1) Chris’ Max Frames config https://raw.github.com/cdown/tf2configs/master/maxframes
2)Particles for high fps (work on sv_pure 2 ;) ) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22648677/tf2/eugh/FPS1.1.zip
3)Remove hats http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=24233177&posted=1#post24233177
4) Launch options (go to point 1)
5) Classic steam skin http://gamebanana.com/guis/22902 <—this skin is more light than the current default steam skin,try it,it stopped my tf2 freezingstuttering

P.S: if u have the "client timed out" problem , open task manager and set steam priority to high!

It's all i think ;)


these particles… i love you!
edit: they don’t work on pure servers actually.. :(

Last edited by Nislem,


Quoted from Nislem

these particles… i love you!
edit: they don’t work on pure servers actually.. :(

mmm i think they work…because during cw i don’t see explosions and rocket tail



Have you checked the settings of said clanwar server? Esp sv_pure…


\V/ Gold

those particles do not work on sv_pure 2 (at least not for me)
they still give you a little bit more fps on publics though


(ETF2L Donator)

Custom particles dont work on sv_pure.
I’ve been using low-fps particles for quite the time now and its just the same with them as it is with custom textures and such.

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