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How can i use HUD crosshairs in KNHUD?

Created 14th June 2012 @ 08:54

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I’ve started using KNHUD, but unfortunately I have no idea how to use custom HUD xhairs, unlike Garm3n Hud which contains many crosshairs to choose from, and all you need to do is enable them from the HudLayout.

If someone’s willing to help me make a circle with cross in it (e.g http://www.marcofolio.net/images/stories/fun/games/fps/oa_screen1.png cross instead of the dot, and abit smaller circle), i would be grateful.


Last edited by kayotte,


pvh nerd secrets 2 ozfortress google


Quoted from atmo

pvh nerd secrets 2 ozfortress google

http://ozfortress.com/showthread.php?t=39640 :D?


Contact me on steam. I might be able to help you out. ^^



Copy the crosshairs from Garm3nHUD’s tf/scripts/hudlayout and paste it into KNHUD’s hudlayout, then copy all the fonts from Garm3nHUD’s tf/resource/, paste into KNHUD’s tf/resource, should work.

EDIT: Forgot to say that you also need to put the crosshair fonts into ClientScheme.

Last edited by zilis,

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