I’ve been trying to edit PVhud to give me some insight in how HUDs work, but stumbled across a problem. I’ve removed the HP cross and started changing the HealthValue a bit. Via HudAnimations_tf.txt I was able to make the HealthValue become blue when is active HudHealthBonusPulse and back to normal when the overheal fades away. But when I try to make the HealthValue turn reddish when HudHealthDyingPulse is active is just doesn’t seem to work. The health cross still flashes red behind the HealthValue, but the HealthValue itself doesn’t seem to change colour.

This is what tried: http://pastebin.com/tv2BULZk

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? I don’t really have any experience with any sort of code, but so far meddling around with the HUD files has worked out like I expected to, but now I’m just stuck.

PS: I have the same problem with the HudLowAmmoPulse.

Last edited by nfst,