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FoV Client Plugin Changer

Created 21st December 2011 @ 00:44

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Quoted from quik

admins should make it not possible to change fov during a game.
so if you try to wallhack with high fov, you cant change fov baack to aim/shoot properly

This is a rather good idea. Or perhaps they should cap your fov to <= 150 so that it can't do any damage. Shouldn't be so hard right?


Fe |

Quoted from konr

[…]This is a rather good idea. Or perhaps they should cap your fov to <= 150 so that it can't do any damage. Shouldn't be so hard right?

cap 150 + no possibility to change it during a game!
is it even possible to make with etf2l cfg?



Quoted from quik

cap 150 + no possibility to change it during a game!
is it even possible to make with etf2l cfg?

Not exactly good with Source, and I’m knackered. I’m sure Casual/Chris/Anakin will say.


Quoted from konr

[…]Not exactly good with Source, and I’m knackered. I’m sure Casual/Chris/Anakin will say.

not exactly the most important part of that statement




Quoted from Miek


I think the above needs clarifying a bit so people can make an informed decision before using this plugin.

The -insecure launch option puts you into insecure mode, which allows you to load unsigned plugins and is supposed to prevent you from joining VAC secure servers. This plugin disables that check, allowing you to join VAC servers while in insecure mode.

I personally won’t be touching this with a barge pole, I don’t see any difference between it and any other cheat tool and i’m not sure Valve will either.

-insecure has been around since FOREVER. In the past I always had -insecure in my launch options. ALL it did a long time ago was make my listen servers not VAC secured.

You know how your tf2 client is basically a server and a client in one? In the past -insecure did nothing to the client and only affected servers (disabling VAC serverside).

Enter plugin block. Having -insecure in your launch params now also affects the client part: allow you to load unsigned plugins & prevent you from joining VAC secured servers (purely enforced client side).

Nothing wrong will happen because of it…

Quoted from konr

[…]Not exactly good with Source, and I’m knackered. I’m sure Casual/Chris/Anakin will say.

Compare with cl_flipviewmodels and fps_max, you used to be able to toggle it while connected to a server, Valve fixed this by creating a flag that disallows modifying it while connected to a server.

It’s trivial to update this plugin with this restriction. Except people could just keep using (and distributing) the old plugin version.

You cannot enforce the max of 150 without a 3rd party serverside AC solution (such as SMAC which queries client’s fov_desired cvar to ensure it’s within legal bounds).

Last edited by Casual,


Just took some screenshots

Fov 120 http://steamcommunity.com/id/bcpk/screenshot/613845918351560645/?
Fov 75 http://steamcommunity.com/id/bcpk/screenshot/613845918351559071/?
Fov 20 http://steamcommunity.com/id/bcpk/screenshot/613845918351559858 http://steamcommunity.com/id/bcpk/screenshot/613845918351557192/?
Sniper scoped http://steamcommunity.com/id/bcpk/screenshot/613845918351558017/?




not exactly the most important part of that statement

Well then why did you bold it?



tf2 is free who gives a fuck if you get banned


Quoted from antyjc

tf2 is free who gives a fuck if you get banned

Proof that hacking doesn’t matter






Proof that hacking doesn’t matter


Thanks for reminding me!



Quoted from Casual

You cannot enforce the max of 150 without a 3rd party serverside AC solution (such as SMAC which queries client’s fov_desired cvar to ensure it’s within legal bounds).

You can’t even enforce it using such methods, as the client does not have to respond truthfully.



Quoted from octochris


You can’t even enforce it using such methods, as the client does not have to respond truthfully.

Obviously not but that would require you to build your own cheat which is outside the scope of this plugin. (ie, the thing everyone is using to get a higher fov)



Quoted from Casual


Obviously not but that would require you to build your own cheat which is outside the scope of this plugin. (ie, the thing everyone is using to get a higher fov)

Wouldn’t require that (you can filter the socket transactions in-transit).


Hi-jacking thread.

I was originally going to keep this a secret, but there’s something very useful that you can do as a result of this plugin.

Colored names.

You need:

1. FOV changer plugin.

2. Name Enabler: http://didrole.free.fr/Name_Enabler/ .

0.6 doesn’t work. Get: http://didrole.free.fr/Name_Enabler/Name_Enabler_0.1.rar .

You also need this: http://www.mediafire.com/?n03werzks8tsqnr .

3. Access to: http://web.archive.org/web/20100125231844/http://frozencubes.com/gmg/color.html .

^1, ^3, ^4, ^5, ^6 in field to get characters.

(Optional) 4. AutoHotKey.


Example script: http://pastebin.com/WTNxbKRk . Save as name.ahk.

The Chr(4) corresponds with the ^4 in the field.

In this example, my name is, “^4xetsog”.

Change what’s after ^V to whatever you want your name to be.

Have console open. When you press Shift + F7, ‘name “xetsog”‘ is printed.

Now, there’s a trick to getting Name Enabler to work. You have to change its name so it loads before the FOV changer in -insecure mode. Basically, after the FOV changer plugin is loaded, it changes TF2 to a ‘secure mode’ or something, which inhibits unsigned plugins from loading further.

What I did was change the name of fov.dll and fov.vdf to 2.dll and 2.vdf.

Inside 2.vdf, you have to change “fov” to “2”.

You also need to change Name_Enabler.dll and Name_Enabler.vdf to 1.dll and 1.vdf. Inside 1.vdf, change “Name_Enabler” to “1”.

Poor guide, but it outlines the steps I took. I’m sure this may interest someone.

EDIT: Don’t try putting name “^1xetsog” (^1 representing special character) in a .cfg file. It does not work when you alias it, alias an exec of a .cfg with it inside, when you simply type it out. Hence, the AHK script. It reads it as:

“name ”
“Unknown command: ^1xetsog”

Last edited by xetsog,



Quoted from octochris


Wouldn’t require that (you can filter the socket transactions in-transit).

Quoted from Casual


Obviously not but that would require you to build your own cheat which is outside the scope of this plugin. (ie, the thing everyone is using to get a higher fov)

I quickly wrote an open source version of the FOV plugin.
Using this plugin you cannot change the fov while connected to a server. Max for fov_desired is 130. I hope that fixes all exploits.

http://www.gamefront.com/files/21114212/OpenFOV.rar (4kb dll :D)
(should compile out of the box using visual studio C++ 2010 (express))

Last edited by Casual,

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