
Disabling certain parts of a hud

Created 16th October 2011 @ 02:46

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I`m not much of a hud editor, I just want to find out if its possible to disable certain parts of a hud. I`m fond of playing medic and I found out that certain parts of my hud distract me from the main objective – dropping them ubers.
Anyway, made a screenshot and outlined the parts which I would like to disable.
I`m using the gmang hud. Which files should I delete from the resources folder? I know that one of them is the damageaccount meter, but will it remove the meter from the hud if i just delete the file in the resources folder, or will it brake the hud?


Well im not gonna download and see whats going on on gmangs hud but take a look if there is a file called HudMedicCharge. [Team not found]

Basically put everything visible to 0 except ChareLabel2 if there is one called like that.
this is how it looks on germ3n hud

Last edited by doks,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Orchid

Which files should I delete from the resources folder?

For the record, removing files will in most cases not disable the corresponding entities, just resets defaults.

It’s not necessary to edit the HUD to disable the damage numbers, it can be done with the following commands:

hud_combattext “0”
hud_combattext_healing “0”

For the rest, play around with HudMedicCharge.res just like doks said. You can load your changes without having to restart the game by typing hud_reloadscheme into console.

EDIT: Just realized you might still wanna have the fly-around damange numbers. Everything related to that can be found in HudDamageAccount.res. The commands above remove everything and that might now be what you’re looking for.

Let us know what HUD you’re using and maybe someone who is more familiar with it can give you some concrete directions. For now, make one entity inivisible at a time to figure out what is what.

This might also prove useful,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=7a9e1c8fdf6bb35b&biw=800&bih=485

Last edited by ell,



Quoted from doks

Well im not gonna download and see whats going on on gmangs hud but take a look if there is a file called HudMedicCharge. [Team not found]

Basically put everything visible to 0 except ChareLabel2 if there is one called like that.
this is how it looks on germ3n hud

This looks good. Let me check out the hud in hopes that I can get the usual cross health bar. If I can, it`ll be exactly what I was looking for.
btw, how do I set everything visible to 0?



Sorry for the doublepost, but I found which file to edit. Seems good. Just trying to figure out some minor details. I did what you said, also edited the hudplayerhealth.res file so I get the cross image. I followed the steps in the readme file, but I still need some help.
Heres a screen. Any Idea how to disable the class image and the text-looking health bar? You can just point me to the right .res file and Ill do the magic.

Last edited by Orchid,


If you want to enable Player Class Picture:

1. Go to your “resource” folder.
2. Then the “ui” folder.
3. Then “HudPlayerClass”.
4. Change “visible” to “1” under “HudPlayerClass”.
5. Save.

set visible to 0

Last edited by doks,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Orchid

Any Idea how to disable the class image and the text-looking health bar?

The health is located in tf/resource/ui/HudPlayerHealth.res. The label with the value 68, in your picture is named PlayerStatusHealthValue, unless it has been changed by the HUD maker. Either way, the label you’re looking for should have the field:

“labelText” “%Health%”

The corresponding grey background is most likely named PlayerStatusHealthImageBG.

Last edited by ell,

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