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Can any PC setup run TF2 at a consistant 120fps with any config?

Created 3rd June 2011 @ 00:17

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Quoted from triobot

playing this game at constant 120fps does not make you better at this game contrary to popular belief.

Just look at randa’s and quad’s setup.

Yeah just think about what makes quad better.. but who the fuck is randa?


Quoted from triobot

playing this game at constant 120fps does not make you better at this game contrary to popular belief.

lol, now tell us how mouse Hz doesnt affect aim


RaWr ::

Er… My PC does get 300fps.. and I never see it drop in a 6v6 match. As I said in my post, it does occasionally drop in a beasty moment on a full public server, but it never drops below 250, most of the time I notice the drops it’s still over 270.

Temps are fine, my old AMD definately ran hotter. My room used to be a sauna with that thing running, now the air coming out of my fans on my case is quite cool. When I did check the temps, it was running around 50.


Quoted from triobot

playing this game at constant 120fps does not make you better at this game contrary to popular belief.

…however experiencing severe fps drops at key moments can fuck you over.



Quoted from Rake


That pc doesn’t do 300 fps all the time, end of. Also the boxed cooler for the 2500k had my cpu in the 90s with any oc, so I recommend you check your temps.

E: Unless it’s on xp, in which case it could do 300 in some maps atleast. Not sure how big the difference is with sandybridge between xp and w7.

yes it can? i am on i5 750@ only 4.2ghz and i get 300 stable

if you have an i5 with a 4gb oc or more and pretty much ANY mid range graphics card from the last 2 years you will easily get stable fps at around 240+


Quoted from triobot

playing this game at constant 120fps does not make you better at this game contrary to popular belief.

Just look at randa’s and quad’s setup.

You mean the guy who got banned a year for hacking? Awesome arguments there, buddy.



Run snowie’s timedemo to give some substantial evidence of your pc’s superiority to any other pc that exists. Also, what os?

E: on a related note, 5125 frames 13.968 seconds 366.92 fps ( 2.73 ms/f) 30.595 fps variability @ 4,8ghz.



Quoted from gryzor

You mean the guy who got banned a year for hacking? Awesome arguments there, buddy.

Randa wasn’t banned for hacking what are you on about?????????????????



fyi i already did.


Quoted from Daleth


Randa wasn’t banned for hacking what are you on about?????????????????

quad was banned IIRC though



Quoted from Gladdy


quad was banned IIRC though






Last I checked, avg 300 fps does not a stable 300 fps make. I just assumed you ment you get higher fps on a different config setup, but it seems I over-estimated your profiency in math.



Quoted from Rake

avg 300 fps does not a stable 300 fps make..



Quoted from Daleth




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