It`s updated.

Just download the installer and put it in your steamapps/ username/ team fortress 2/ tf folder. Run the installer – it will download the latest version and then pop up a window to open the downloaded quakehud.rar file. And thats it.
If you want to have the “last damage done” shown in your hud go to resource/ui HudDamageAccount and under “DamageAccountValue” change “visible” to 1.
Change colors how you want them. I use yellow 255 255 30 255 for damage done and green for last damage done 0 255 0 255. Also you might want to move the “last damage done” closer to your hp. You can do that by changing the value “xpos_minmode” under “DamageAccountValue” in the same HudDamageAccout file. I had to change it to 140 to have it like i want.


!!!!! This Hud is meant for cl_hud_minmode 1 !!!!!

Also – I apologize if there was a thread about the update. But i didn’t see any.