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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Quoted from GibbZ

make it so the scout pistol is more accurate and not so sporadic plz

Spike Himself


Nothing wrong with the pistol as it is.


Quoted from Spike Himself

Nothing wrong with the pistol as it is.


Quoted from Martn

Making the game more easy and predictable != True skilled level of play.

You might also want to go back to tf_weapon_criticals 1 and tf_damagedisablespread 0 then.


Quoted from Martn

Making the game more easy and predictable != True skilled level of play.




Quoted from Martn

Making the game more easy and predictable != True skilled level of play.

The game being predictable has never been a problem. It will always be unpredictable in the way that you will never know for sure what your opponents next move is.

Take the game Chess as an example. The same pieces have been used forever, and noone complaines about it being predictable. And I haven’t heard anyone suggest adding unlocks to it yet ;)

When you say “making the game more easy”, do you think it’s more easy because you and your opponent are limited to only three weapons? It’s still player versus player, the most skilled player will usually win :)

Anakin: Can you look into removing mini-crits?



Quoted from wer

[…]The game being predictable has never been a problem. It will always be unpredictable in the way that you will never know for sure what your opponents next move is.

Take the game Chess as an example. The same pieces have been used forever, and noone complaines about it being predictable. And I haven’t heard anyone suggest adding unlocks to it yet ;)

When you say “making the game more easy”, do you think it’s more easy because you and your opponent are limited to only three weapons? It’s still player versus player, the most skilled player will usually win :)

Anakin: Can you look into removing mini-crits?

with the exception to this rule being call of duty 4 and its successors.


Quoted from wer

[…]Anakin: Can you look into removing mini-crits?

I could if the majority of players agree with this.


whats mini-crits


– Fixed some rare bug which could cause the map to randomly change again after a changelevel was called when the STV map change delay was enabled
– Added some chat error messages when the plugin update failed


(ETF2L Donator)

I was wondering if you could compile the STV-Autorecord part in a separate Plugin. Would be awsome having that function without SourceMod and without all the other features, while great, I do not need and would prefer not loaded in the first place to not confuse Opponents as to why TFTrue is loaded.


You can still disable other features with cvars?


Got Milk?

is it posible to change weapon restrictions midgame?

or do i have to reload map again?


(ETF2L Donator)

Can i also stop TFTrue from changing the Game Description? It makes sense that some plugins do that as you can see at glance what gamemode is being played (MGE,TDM) but it seems unnecessary for TFTrue.

Another suggestion:

The STV-Delay, while it’s a great feature, it can be really annoying if you forgot to turn it off when just playing a mix or do w/e thats not an official.

How about changing the map instantly if you issue the “changelevel” command a second time while the 90sec countdown is active?

Or maybe something like this is possible:

changelevel cp_badlands X

while X represents the time to wait in seconds and is by default set to tv_delay if you don’t add the number to the command

hmm another idea:
It would be awsome if TFTrue unloaded SourceMod (if present) completly and visible to the enemy, when both Teams are “Ready”. As i can understand people don’t like to play on Servers with SourceMod active, but Pre-Round Deathmatch is such a great thing.


Quoted from electro

is it posible to change weapon restrictions midgame?

or do i have to reload map again?

Changing tftrue_unlockable_weapons doesn’t need a map change. It automatically applies the changes.

Quoted from slate

Can i also stop TFTrue from changing the Game Description? It makes sense that some plugins do that as you can see at glance what gamemode is being played (MGE,TDM) but it seems unnecessary for TFTrue.

Another suggestion:

The STV-Delay, while it’s a great feature, it can be really annoying if you forgot to turn it off when just playing a mix or do w/e thats not an official.

How about changing the map instantly if you issue the “changelevel” command a second time while the 90sec countdown is active?

Or maybe something like this is possible:

changelevel cp_badlands X

while X represents the time to wait in seconds and is by default set to tv_delay if you don’t add the number to the command

hmm another idea:
It would be awsome if TFTrue unloaded SourceMod (if present) completly and visible to the enemy, when both Teams are “Ready”. As i can understand people don’t like to play on Servers with SourceMod active, but Pre-Round Deathmatch is such a great thing.

I could make it change the map instantly when a 2nd changelevel is entered.

You aren’t supposed to have SourceMod at all on your server when playing matches/in leagues, though I don’t think I should really force an unload. It happens that some plugins can crash the server while being unloaded.

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