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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Quoted from AnAkkk

4.1 ( September 5, 2013 )
– Added the !log chat command to view the log in-game after it has been uploaded to logs.tf

Awesome, thanks :D



Latest version is working fine in our Windows server, but the server crashes on restart after using the command “map [map name]”. Anyone else having this problem?

The server’s addon folder is completely empty save for this plugin, no MM nor SM.


Quoted from X0Ki

Latest version is working fine in our Windows server, but the server crashes on restart after using the command “map [map name]”. Anyone else having this problem?

The server’s addon folder is completely empty save for this plugin, no MM nor SM.

You should never use the command “map”, it is used to start the server on a map and should only be in the launch parameters. You need to use changelevel to change the map.



Quoted from AnAkkk


You should never use the command “map”, it is used to start the server on a map and should only be in the launch parameters. You need to use changelevel to change the map.

We do use changelevel to switch maps, but as far as we knew “map” was just “_restart; changelevel”, and since both of those worked just fine we thought it was weird that “map” didn’t. Thanks for the clarification.


Can you unlock tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons for use with tournament 0?



Quoted from CHERRY

Can you unlock tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons for use with tournament 0?

tfrue_tournament_insecure 1

Spike Himself


TFTrue hadn’t updated itself on our servers, so I downloaded the latest version manually.

Just for future reference: If you remove the .so file that is in use (by for example replacing it with a newer version), the server will crash.


Quoted from X0Ki


We do use changelevel to switch maps, but as far as we knew “map” was just “_restart; changelevel”, and since both of those worked just fine we thought it was weird that “map” didn’t. Thanks for the clarification.

“map” doesn’t disconnect the players correctly either (it can be important for some plugins that track need to know when a player disconnected, like TFTrue), so it might end up doing bad stuff.
“_restart” does a lot more than “map”.

Quoted from Spike Himself

TFTrue hadn’t updated itself on our servers, so I downloaded the latest version manually.

Just for future reference: If you remove the .so file that is in use (by for example replacing it with a newer version), the server will crash.

If you restart your server it should autoupdate.

The crash is a bug in srcds, it will do the same with any plugin, I doubt I can do something about that.

Last edited by AnAkkk,


A piece of software breaking when you remove a resource in use doesn’t seem like a “bug”.


Quoted from atmo

A piece of software breaking when you remove a resource in use doesn’t seem like a “bug”.

Considering that all linux distributions have a package update mechanism that replace files while they are in use and it works fine, it seems to me :)
(you are not required to close apps when you want to update them, unlike on windows)
The binary is loaded in memory, it shouldn’t matter if you delete the file on disk.

Last edited by AnAkkk,

Spike Himself


Quoted from AnAkkk

If you restart your server it should autoupdate.

Well, it didn’t :)

The crash is a bug in srcds, it will do the same with any plugin, I doubt I can do something about that.

Yeah, I figured. I wasn’t saying that as a complaint, just more of a warning to my future self, and others :D



Is sv_logsdir supported?


Quoted from userid_ivan

Is sv_logsdir supported?

It looks like it may work on Windows, but not on Linux, I’ll have to make some changes. You can try and see if it works.



Quoted from AnAkkk


It looks like it may work on Windows, but not on Linux, I’ll have to make some changes. You can try and see if it works.

I tried on my Linux server and it does not find the log after the end of the match. I can test if you want


Update (4.11)
– sv_logsdir should now work with log uploading
– A new log will automatically be created after one has been uploaded, it prevents mixing two logs in case the map doesn’t change between 2 matches

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