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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Quoted from F2

Feature suggestion:
– If you reconnect to the server during a match, keep your scoreboard score



file on dl link is still old version


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Ordinator

file on dl link is still old version

it autoupdates.

great work on the log upload, loving it.

But could you write the result of the logupload to the log itsself?

like the url on success or an error message if it fails.

Last edited by slate,



Quoted from slate

it autoupdates.



(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Ordinator


I assumed you wanted to get the latest version.

if you put the old version on your server, the plugin will update itsself.


UbeR |

Is the name of the map filled in when uploading directly from tftrue?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from kKaltUu

Is the name of the map filled in when uploading directly from tftrue?

yes and title of the log is BLUTEAMNAME vs REDTEAMNAME

Last edited by slate,


Quoted from Ordinator

file on dl link is still old version

I fixed the zip.

Quoted from slate


it autoupdates.

great work on the log upload, loving it.

But could you write the result of the logupload to the log itsself?

like the url on success or an error message if it fails.


Quoted from kKaltUu

Is the name of the map filled in when uploading directly from tftrue?

What slate said.

Last edited by AnAkkk,


(ETF2L Donator)

cool, thanks.


Hi, another stupid question :
Is there a way to work on a feature that would force the client to remove shadows ? Could be nice against this fking bug that shows shadows through the walls, no ?


Quoted from kna

Hi, another stupid question :
Is there a way to work on a feature that would force the client to remove shadows ? Could be nice against this fking bug that shows shadows through the walls, no ?

You can’t force the client to remove shadows, you can kick every client with shadows on though/


Quoted from AnAkkk


You can’t force the client to remove shadows, you can kick every client with shadows on though/

Ok, not bad, if we get a new rule “no shadow allowed”. thanks !

Spike Himself


Quoted from slate


yes and title of the log is BLUTEAMNAME vs REDTEAMNAME

Would it be possible at all to add a prefix (or something) through a cvar? I currently use the same api key for 7 different servers; it would be nice if they were distinguishable on logs.tf http://logs.tf/profile/76561198071355143/uploads

Aweomse feature, anyway, thanks a lot for this :)

Last edited by Spike Himself,



After instalation, server is changing maps…


Quoted from Spike Himself


Would it be possible at all to add a prefix (or something) through a cvar? I currently use the same api key for 7 different servers; it would be nice if they were distinguishable on logs.tf http://logs.tf/profile/76561198071355143/uploads

Aweomse feature, anyway, thanks a lot for this :)

Maybe when I have the time :)

Quoted from JohnnyZ

After instalation, server is changing maps…

Without more information, I can’t really help. Are there any messages in the server console?

You probably have something that keeps toggling on/off tv_enable or changing sv_pure value

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