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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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(ETF2L Donator)

wild guess: Did you heal in warm-up at all?

Another thing: If you happen do go in detail anakin, I’d like to know why the Healspread doesn’t add up to the recorded healing. I was always thinking that the Healspread might not count overhealing?



I think it’s something to do with tftrue ignoring buffs.


Quoted from F2

How come the healing points reported by TFTrue in the logs are not consistent with the healing points shown in TF2?

For example, I just played a match where the total healing points reported by TFTrue was 16617, but on the scoreboard it said 31400.

Quoted from slate

wild guess: Did you heal in warm-up at all?

Another thing: If you happen do go in detail anakin, I’d like to know why the Healspread doesn’t add up to the recorded healing. I was always thinking that the Healspread might not count overhealing?

Quoted from kaidus

I think it’s something to do with tftrue ignoring buffs.

TFTrue listens to the player_healed server side event, same as the other TF2Logs plugin did. Now I don’t know exactly when TF2 triggers this event, but maybe it doesn’t while overhealing? Maybe the medic self heal is counted as well in the scoreboard?

Last edited by AnAkkk,

Quoted from AnAkkk




TFTrue listens to the player_healed server side event, same as the other TF2Logs plugin did. Now I don’t know exactly when TF2 triggers this event, but maybe it doesn’t while overhealing? Maybe the medic self heal is counted as well in the scoreboard?

TF2logs has the same issue, I believe.


From what I can see this event is fired in two cases:
– When healing a teammate with the medigun or using the buff banner, and should be the exact same values as your general TF2 stats it seems (no idea about overheal though)
– When firing an arrow with the Crusader’s Crossbow at a teammate

Last edited by AnAkkk,



Quoted from AnAkkk

From what I can see this event is fired in two cases:
– When healing a teammate with the medigun or using the buff banner, and should be the exact same values as your general TF2 stats it seems (no idea about overheal though)
– When firing an arrow with the Crusader’s Crossbow at a teammate

I think I have broken the code. The “healed” log event is related to the numbers you see when healing. I have noticed, that if a scout has 120 health, and I heal him, then it shows 5, and then nothing more. In other words, kaidus was right: When a player has 100% (or more) health, no “healed” events are triggered.

Last edited by F2,


Small update:
– Compatibility with future TF2 updates


– Fixed compatibility issues with other plugins


(ETF2L Donator)

Anyone else having Server crashes, since Yesterday (Optional) Update?

I’ve deactivated TFTrue for now and it seems to be stable.

I couldn’t test anything myself so far only got reports from my teammates.


TFTrue is on my 2 public servers and people are playing on them, it doesn’t look like they crashed so far. They should be up to date as well.



The plugin is bugged because of the MvM update…haalp :(


How is it bugged? I know that MvM always set mp_tournament to 1, so the plugin will always set tournament stuff on in MvM, I’ll have to fix that. Is there any other problem?



Quoted from AnAkkk

How is it bugged? I know that MvM always set mp_tournament to 1, so the plugin will always set tournament stuff on in MvM, I’ll have to fix that. Is there any other problem?

Looks like the server was crashing because of the TFTrue…I’ve just removed it and the server was working normaly again. I have installed SM, ETF2L Divplugin and SOAP DM…

Our server didn’t crash at all. But we’re using the version before the optional update I think.


Quoted from Datenshi

Our server didn’t crash at all. But we’re using the version before the optional update I think.

the plugin should auto update :P

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