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[HUD] broeselhud // version 2.9

Created 25th July 2010 @ 20:56

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Can you fix your hud to show the right times when stopwatch is on?
Played a few highlanders ..it’s hard to guess what time you have to beat.


Quoted from Douchebag Drake

Can you fix your hud to show the right times when stopwatch is on?
Played a few highlanders ..it’s hard to guess what time you have to beat.

just reload your hud lol…



Quoted from Douchebag Drake

Can you fix your hud to show the right times when stopwatch is on?
Played a few highlanders ..it’s hard to guess what time you have to beat.

obviously, you need to beat the enemy’s time – thus I removed the
” [Team not found]‘s time: ” thing

[censored to not make ze germans angry]

or do you mean just the time you need to beat? Then do what MattDog said – hud_reloadscheme



I THINK he just meant the HUD should show the correct times. No need to get aggressive though, broesel…


love your hud but could you help me make the same target hp like in m0rehud pls?
broeselhud http://i082.radikal.ru/1008/72/aac9d107095f.jpg
m0rehud http://s41.radikal.ru/i094/1008/a2/6a5f5b076c3d.jpg


Quoted from pala4

love your hud but could you help me make the same target hp like in m0rehud pls?
broeselhud http://i082.radikal.ru/1008/72/aac9d107095f.jpg
m0rehud http://s41.radikal.ru/i094/1008/a2/6a5f5b076c3d.jpg


put in tf/resources/ui


Thank you, Bryn <3


Hi there. I was trying to use this hud, but turning off the team color in the target id doesnt work. I also wanted to know if its possible to turn off the red colors when i am low on ammo. And if the transparent health can be turned off. Thanks.






Quoted from Waster

turning off the team color in the target id doesnt work

you must have done something wrong :X works for me and for others just fine – try deleting the HUD files, reinstalling the HUD and then do again what it says in the Readme
Quoted from Waster

I also wanted to know if its possible to turn off the red colors when i am low on ammo.

yes, it is – open tf/scripts/HudAnimations_tf.txt and go to where it says:

event HudLowAmmoPulse

and delete everything until


Quoted from Waster

And if the transparent health can be turned off. Thanks.

delete tf/materials/HUD/health_bg.vtf



Ok, so I worked @ the Hud again and I already made some bigger changes, but before I release the next version, I also want some feedback from you –

what could be improved, what simply sucks, what was waaaaay better in m0rehud, what could be made rather an option than something you can’t change etc..

thanks in advance



I would like some hp changes, bigger warnings or something. Nice hud btw, used it for a while now :)


Quoted from Macisum

I would like some hp changes, bigger warnings or something. Nice hud btw, used it for a while now :)


Lovely hud you got broesel, have been using it ever since you released it absically, and I just wanted to say thanks for all the effort you’re putting into this :)

Got one question about it though: is there any chance your hud could cause my “spectator-mode-option” to only show 5 players from each team, instead of 6? I’m using a 1280×1024 resolution, so I thought it might be that you made this hud for widescreen only. Any thoughts?

Thanks :)



I love it as it is.

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