
Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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maybe, some cvars you changed that effect stuttering issues



Quoted from Infested

maybe, some cvars you changed that effect stuttering issues

if they did and i knew they did i wouldn’t implement them. you give me no information to debug with.



Configs updated with new performance commands.



I have been testing for the past few hours on a friend’s old C2D machine. His computer got stuttering with maxframes and m0rehighfps. After a few hours of debugging this is what I have determined:

* Custom HUDs (only tested BroeselHUD, I don’t know if this applies to all) can cause FPS drops. In my testing BroeselHUD specifically caused the FPS to drop from 258fps to 242fps.
* Processes running in the background, NOT LIMITED TO JUST ANTIVIRUSES AND FIREWALLS, seem to cause stuttering. In my experiment killing all processes except for critical system processes like svchost, csrss, lsass, winlogon, smss and services caused a significant increase in FPS and decrease in stuttering EVEN WHEN THEY WERE NOT USING ANY OF THE CPU.
* Restoring TF2 completely from the GCFs also seemed to help alleviate stuttering. That is, /steamapps/[id]/team fortress 2/ was deleted and then TF2 was run with the config in place on first run. This seemed to almost completely eliminate stuttering in addition to the above.

So give these a go. My benchmarks when following all of the above advice (using default hud/killing non-critical processes/restoring from GCFs with config already in place) gave me the following end values (averaged over 5 timedemos each, this is a 6v6 match):

Chris’ maxframes: 258fps
m0rehighfps: 252fps



I’m using m0ref1ne hud which is basically a colourful broesel/m0re hud also chris if this helps I also changed to m0ref1ne hud on the same day I changed to m0rehighfps



Quoted from Phrozen

I’m using m0ref1ne hud which is basically a colourful broesel/m0re hud also chris if this helps I also changed to m0ref1ne hud on the same day I changed to m0rehighfps

that could well be part of it then.



* Restoring TF2 completely from the GCFs also seemed to help alleviate stuttering. That is, /steamapps/[id]/team fortress 2/ was deleted and then TF2 was run with the config in place on first run. This seemed to almost completely eliminate stuttering in addition to the above.

How can you do that ?:)



Quoted from Brainmaster

* Restoring TF2 completely from the GCFs also seemed to help alleviate stuttering. That is, /steamapps/[id]/team fortress 2/ was deleted and then TF2 was run with the config in place on first run. This seemed to almost completely eliminate stuttering in addition to the above.

How can you do that ?:)

I’ll write you a nice little script to do it in a bit :)


true about hud, depends on custom built hud code, but larger the hud – less fps u get…

if u compare default and minimal default, ull get about 10fps more on minimal



one moment lol


Shouldn’t we modify it with our username?

Hi -nope-.



Quoted from Vanni

Shouldn’t we modify it with our username?

Hi asenine.

oh balls. one moment.


Cant google and english.

Command to suicide on class switch



I wrote this little script for people so that every time they launch TF2 their HUD/configs etc are reinstalled and everything is fresh, this should stop a lot of stuttering issues and avoid issues with updates screwing up HUDs etc.

1.) Put your HUD/configs/PREC/maps/hitsound etc in c:\tf2restore\config\
2.) Download
3.) Run the script and your config will be restored fresh, then TF2 will launch
4.) TF2 launching will take a little bit longer than normal because files are being extracted from the GCFs
5.) Files in \tf\ at launch are automatically moved to c:\tf2restore\backups\DATETIME\ — if you want to find your killstreaks look in there!
6.) Use this script from now on to launch TF2!

I’ve tested this script personally on XP SP3, but it should work on Vista/7.


Quoted from octochris

I wrote this little script for people so that every time they launch TF2 their HUD/configs etc are reinstalled and everything is fresh, this should stop a lot of stuttering issues and avoid issues with updates screwing up HUDs etc.

1.) Put your HUD/configs/PREC/maps/hitsound etc in c:\tf2restore\config\
2.) Download and extract it to somewhere easy to get to
3.) Run the script and your config will be restored fresh, then TF2 will launch
4.) TF2 launching will take a little bit longer than normal because files are being extracted from the GCFs
5.) Files in \tf\ at launch are automatically moved to c:\tf2restore\backups\DATETIME\ — if you want to find your killstreaks look in there!
6.) Use this script from now on to launch TF2!

I’ve tested this script personally on XP SP3, but it should work on Vista/7.

testing right now

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