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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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No, I know what the problem is, it’s my fault. I’ll fix it later tonight.


chris on top of the fps config there is gibs activated, but down the config there’s commands that put valors to 0

can you please fix this :S



Recently due to shitty updates by Valve, I’ve been getting an fps drop when I play, but making it fullscreen (I had it on windowed/noborder, and it used to work fine) seems to somewhat fix it.



I’m impressed by how good fps the morefps config gives for very high textures. But, weirdly enough, I still prefer how the game looks with m0re’s config – even with the poor textures.

There are 2 reasons:
1. Eventhough both use no anti alising, M0re’s config smooths out things (i guess from the lower res gfx). Especially fences look a lot better with M0re.
2. The colours in M0re’s cfg look more vivid. I suspect this might be a dx9 thing. I tried running Chris’ config with dx9 and fixes, but it crashed. Dunno why. I was too lazy to do scientific screenshot comparisons, so it could just be an optical thing.

This is of course highly personal and probably depends a lot on your screen. My room mate used the superduper cfg on his monster PC, but we still found my game to look better (with my superduper screen).

Anyways, it’s good to see another option for people with different taste. If you do make a dx9 cfg, I’d be interested in testing.



Quoted from torden

I’m impressed by how good fps the morefps config gives for very high textures. But, weirdly enough, I still prefer how the game looks with m0re’s config – even with the poor textures.

There are 2 reasons:
1. Eventhough both use no anti alising, M0re’s config smooths out things (i guess from the lower res gfx). Especially fences look a lot better with M0re.
2. The colours in M0re’s cfg look more vivid. I suspect this might be a dx9 thing. I tried running Chris’ config with dx9 and fixes, but it crashed. Dunno why. I was too lazy to do scientific screenshot comparisons, so it could just be an optical thing.

This is of course highly personal and probably depends a lot on your screen. My room mate used the superduper cfg on his monster PC, but we still found my game to look better (with my superduper screen).

Anyways, it’s good to see another option for people with different taste. If you do make a dx9 cfg, I’d be interested in testing.

1.) You’re supposed to set your res with m0re too, so that’s a non issue ;)
2.) You’re supposed to set dx8 with m0re too, so that’s also a non issue ;)

As for a dx9 one, just go to dx9 and change mat_bumpmap and r_pixelfog to 1, I guess.



Quoted from torden

2. The colours in M0re’s cfg look more vivid. I suspect this might be a dx9 thing. I tried running Chris’ config with dx9 and fixes, but it crashed. Dunno why. I was too lazy to do scientific screenshot comparisons, so it could just be an optical thing.

As far as I have seen from previous experimenting it’s a dx9 thing.



Yup, I already did those commands. No idea why it’s crashing.

Still, I find things to look better with m0re’s cfg (colours and edges). Whether it has to do with dx9 or not, like I say is a guess.



Chris have you fixed the gibs section?


yes he fixed that, chris is awesome :D



Quoted from Infested

yes he fixed that, chris is awesome :D

not as awesome as the people that use these configs.

just to know that so many use and like them makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, albeit not as fuzzy as fisshu after a few beers.


torden u should do full reinstall with disabling steam cloud, doing -autoconfig and only then installing fps cfg and dx9

i was using dx9 like month ago and was all dandy and fine



Quoted from AnimaL

torden u should do full reinstall with disabling steam cloud, doing -autoconfig and only then installing fps cfg and dx9

i was using dx9 like month ago and was all dandy and fine

not had any other reports of it, must be something borked.

make sure you’re putting in -dxlevel 95 and not -dxlevel 9 though, common mistake.


chris dxlevel 95 rocks, i put that on launch options i don’t have mouse lag when somebody fire a rocket or splash :D, dxlevel 90+ is handy to see when ubers are going to be finished.



Quoted from Infested

chris dxlevel 95 rocks, i put that on launch options i don’t have mouse lag when somebody fire a rocket or splash :D, dxlevel 90+ is handy to see when ubers are going to be finished.

hm, mat_specular 1 should give the same effect (assuming we’re talking about the same thing)


on dxlevel 80 nope, noes! i just found out that if i look to a medic healing me my mouse lags, can i fix it or i have to go back to dxlevel 80 ? :(

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