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Assembly Summer 2010

Created 30th April 2010 @ 08:06

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Hi all ,

It’s again that time of the year when I start to look forward the incoming Assembly event in August.

After two succesfull tournaments we have had in the past. TF2 is steadily getting more attention from the organizers. So we are again blessed with another high level tournament for this summer. (for those who were about to comment this, yes I know at wasm there was something weird about the rules but I believe these things has been fixed;)
There is also a note at the official site that tournaments which are now published are initial and are confirmed to be final et the end of May. But I happen to have a word that tf2 is 99% confirmed.

So what we can expect from this summer? Tournament has been confirmed to be 8 teams invite and is official “Professional” competition. This means that team placed first will receive prize in cash , usually in gaming competitions also 2nd and 3rd place receive their prices in cash put there might also be hardware prizes.
More details about prizes should be public in May.

Can we affect the amount of prizes? Maybe? Usually it helps if the organizers see that there is a huge interest for that competition.

So the next question will be, does the teams have plans for the summer? Are you coming to finland? If so check the official http://www.assembly.org site for more information about the event.

This link http://www.assembly.org/summer10/come-to-party might come handy for the first timers also.

I hope to see TF2 finals at the main stage http://coolclan.eu/wp-content/gallery/assembly-2009/mini-DSCF1385.JPG this year (btw.. sry mr 2frags you are just 2 good in asm picturest from the last summer). It might be one of the biggest finals if we can make it happen :)


Official information


email: [email protected]

– Team : name,tag
– Team : players, fullnames, steamids
– Captain / Manager contact information : email, phone, fullname
– why should your team get invited?



1. 4000€
2. 1500€
3. 750€


Thursday 5.8.2010:
18:00-01:00 Group Stage

Friday 6.8.2010:
11:00-16:30 Semifinals
17:00-23:00 Final&Bronze match

All times are Finnish time (CEST+1h)


Cheers, KraTe

Last edited by KraTe,


This is gonna be awsum



Ah always something which I forget. Give some big speculation about the rules. It was vanilla at wasm if I recall it right? Should it be again?


Vanilla + Medic unlocks was good, though the Golden cap rules should be better, we remember what happened in PwR vs. (was it Rockit?).



i wish i can come with rockit!


rockit like

vanilla + medic ofc


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from Darn

vanilla + medic ofc

Live a little…



TCM can go

vanilla + medic unlocks + sandvich !


I wanna come! !!!


Hey dats!

I’d really like to attend ASM but don’t think I will be able to afford it along with already being commited to i40. Its a shame they have landed so close together. With the size that i40 is looking to be I wish we could get a stage like that one!

Its great also that TF2 is getting picked up by major LAN’s now, ASM and iSeries have been fantastic for the offline scene of TF2 and people should get behind them and carry on encouraging the organisers that its worth it!


(Toucan Ambassador)

I’ll be there.



Quoted from Mole

I’d really like to attend ASM but don’t think I will be able to afford it along with already being commited to i40. Its a shame they have landed so close together. With the size that i40 is looking to be I wish we could get a stage like that one!




I’d like to know community opinnions about huds in tup(non-byoc) tournaments?

At Winter Assembly there was only two huds allowed by the default (default & m0rehud). Now the internet is swarming with huds and to organizers allowing any huds would cause some trouble. It is quite normal behaviour in other lan tournaments that there are only default huds or tournament spesific guis in place.

What do you think? Would you allow all huds in tup tournament? Or should we force everyone use the defaults?

Quoted from KraTe

I’d like to know community opinnions about huds in tup(non-byoc) tournaments?

At Winter Assembly there was only two huds allowed by the default (default & m0rehud). Now the internet is swarming with huds and to organizers allowing any huds would cause some trouble. It is quite normal behaviour in other lan tournaments that there are only default huds or tournament spesific guis in place.

What do you think? Would you allow all huds in tup tournament? Or should we force everyone use the defaults?

I really don’t see how HUDs can give any real advantage they are really just preference of which you like the look of? Apart from that one with the 2D radar…


rockit like

Quoted from KraTe

I’d like to know community opinnions about huds in tup(non-byoc) tournaments?

At Winter Assembly there was only two huds allowed by the default (default & m0rehud). Now the internet is swarming with huds and to organizers allowing any huds would cause some trouble. It is quite normal behaviour in other lan tournaments that there are only default huds or tournament spesific guis in place.

What do you think? Would you allow all huds in tup tournament? Or should we force everyone use the defaults?

installing new huds aint a big deal really. fine with defaults also :P

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