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TF2 Sapphire challenge @ Esports Heaven

Created 4th March 2010 @ 11:28

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its fucking lol like the non-pro teams act.
all they say is “omg dumbs dont ban the new overpowered weapons – cos we need fun omg omg!!!”

its some kind of lame.
adapt to them cos there is definitly no reason why a div1 team couldnt play with new unlocks and to help div6-5 teams to have fun – so WHERE IS THE FUCKING FUN INTERNET EXPERIENCE ?!?!?!

btw the fun internet experience will not exist if you call us dump stupid selffish cos it doesnt make sense for us to play with new unlocks.

Last edited by Extremer,


TF2 teams don’t sign up because they don’t want to lose.
CS:S teams do sign up even if they might lose.

Who’s playing for fun here?



Quoted from skinnie


take your pills or something ? where did you see me call anyone dumb ?

If you look at cs:s esh cups , they get filled easily (128/128) and I think Power-gaming won like the last cups … strange

maybe you can learn something from the cs:s attitude after all, at least they are not scared of losing and have an anti-div1 attitude that seems to continue to grow here

you really need that money right?
yeah look @ the grid of CS:S (http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=tournament&action=view&tournament_id=82&content_id=344) and compare it to TF2. (just a hint: TF2: 95% of the games are rape)
and jeah the get filled up 128 cup easy. maybe the community is much bigger ?!?

Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

you really need that money right?
yeah look @ the grid of CS:S (http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=tournament&action=view&tournament_id=82&content_id=344) and compare it to TF2. (just a hint: TF2: 95% of the games are rape)
and jeah the get filled up 128 cup easy. maybe the community is much bigger ?!?

If it was about the prize money, then 10 teams tops would be able to compete for it. Just play for fun, get an experience and learn something from it.



Quoted from dusty


If it was about the prize money, then 10 teams tops would be able to compete for it. Just play for fun, get an experience and learn something from it.

and again: there is no fun getting raped in 10 minutes and there is also no experience and learning…



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

you really need that money right?
yeah look @ the grid of CS:S (http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=tournament&action=view&tournament_id=82&content_id=344) and compare it to TF2. (just a hint: TF2: 95% of the games are rape)
and jeah the get filled up 128 cup easy. maybe the community is much bigger ?!?

the size of the community has nothing to do with the fact that you and other players don’t want to sign up because you don’t want to lose



Quoted from skinnie


the size of the community has nothing to do with the fact that you and other players don’t want to sign up because you don’t want to lose

the size does matter cos you get more good teams who can compete in the tournament without 95% of the matches beeing totaly rape or pwnage….
if you look in round one there are many games with 16:1x
its a difference if you lose cos you got bad tactics or you made mistakes in your gameplay OR if you get steamrolled in 10 minutes by a team that is 5 divs better than you and that totaly pwns your ass and you will NEVER NEVER NEVER have a chance beating them or even score a point or two….

Last edited by Dr-GimpfeN,

Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

and again: there is no fun getting raped in 10 minutes and there is also no experience and learning…

First, that’s a pretty bad attitude and it probably won’t get you very far if you feel like that about every game you lose. Second, then just support the game you love and spend 10 minutes of your precious time.



“We cba to play because we will lose” – great attitude there lads, how about taking it like men and learning from the experience? We’ve all been there, just sign up to the league and do euro tf2 a favour.


If you never play stronger opponents you’ll never improve. That’s just how it is. If you’re just playing “for fun” then you’re barking up the wrong tree here and starting an unneeded discussion, since we’re trying to get the teams who actually want to improve to sign up. This is probably the biggest chance of them playing better teams, since it’s not likely they’ll get a PCW against Div 1-2 teams.



okay so why is there no FA Cup system without seeding?
cos the big teams will start whining “omg we got out in round 1 cos we had to face another div1 team”.
so how about beeing a men and accept you got a bad luck @ the grid and accept that you are losing and learn from the experience about loosing….



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

the size does matter cos you get more good teams who can compete in the tournament without 95% of the matches beeing totaly rape or pwnage….
if you look in round one there are many games with 16:1x
its a difference if you lose cos you got bad tactics or you made mistakes in your gameplay OR if you get steamrolled in 10 minutes by a team that is 5 divs better than you and that totaly pwns your ass and you will NEVER NEVER NEVER have a chance beating them or even score a point or two….

10 minutes of your time to support tf2?
Actually, fuck you, 10 seconds, you don’t even have to play, all you have to do is sign up, WHICH IS BASICALLY WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT.



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

okay so why is there no FA Cup system without seeding?
cos the big teams will start whining “omg we got out in round 1 cos we had to face another div1 team”.
so how about beeing a men and accept you got a bad luck @ the grid and accept that you are losing and learn from the experience about loosing….

Would you prefer a double elimination system? If so, tell the admins, if enough teams request it I’m sure they’ll host more double elimination tournaments. If you got an unlucky seeding there, at least you got a second chance.



I’m in full advocation of not playing if you don’t find it fun, but sitting here arguing takes longer than signing up so stop being dumb shit tonguing douche cunts.

Invest the time you’d traditionally spend insulting me back in signing up.

Last edited by kaidus,



43 more teams guys, seriously, even if you don’t/can’t play, just sign up for the support of TF2.

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