
TF2DM French Server

Created 5th August 2009 @ 19:20

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‘Lo people, i’ve set a french server running on TF2DM (Mike Savage’s mod) with the same stuff (i meant plugins) as TF2DM by PingoTimeOut server.

Class restrictions (need feedback to improve the gameplay):

* 3 Scouts (maximum per side)
* 3 Soldiers (maximum per side)
* 2 Demoman (maximum per side)
* 1 Sniper (maximum per side)

Unlocks allowed (need some feedback to add/remove someones):

* Huntsman
* Jarate
* Razorback
* Natasha
* Sandvich

Plugins installed:

* Hitblip : Make a lil’ *bip* when you hurt/kill someone, the more you hurt someone, the more it sounds deeper.
* KillersInfo : Green advertisement, shown Bottom-Left, to know who killed you and how many HP left he has.
* BalancedStickies : Demoman’s stickies are now harmless, as their only purpose, is to stickyjump and not to kill people, waiting them “the ass in the grass”.

Server IP : FR – TF2DM – By

For feedbacks, please contact me by steam friends (if you already have me in), by IRC on #pancake channel, or simply here.

I’ll add some feature in the next weeks. As new maps, change some respawn points maybe, change unlocks/class restriction if the average of players who have tested the server is significant.

Until now, maps are cp_granary, cp_badlands, cp_gullywash_rc8, cp_gravelpit. I’m adding cp_fastlane on this modded server. I’m also changing cp_badlands and cp_granary respawn points. I uploaded cp_gullywash_rc9 but i need to check if spawnpoints could be the same between version 8 and this one.

‘Hope that you’ll be satisfied by this server that i think his as good as PingTimeOut one, but with a ping more “European” =)

And finally, i was wondering, if i could add the same plugin (i guess) as Public ETF2L server, that only allow registered people to play on it.

Have a nice day, Good Game , Have Fun blabla !


no delete button ='( , sry for this second post



GJ. Someone make some UK ones!


Nice effort, although i would keep it at solly, scout, demo, sniper. DM is frustrating enough if you’re vs 3+ scouts and you are gonna allow pyros! I wouldn’t play on your server tbh.


DM is frustrating enough if you’re vs 3+ scouts and you are gonna allow pyros!

The scout limit is 3 so in a team of 5 players you only can play versus 3 scout and 2 other classes, u can’t play versus more scouts. And pyro is restricted. I don’t know why u thought i would add pyros on a TF2DM server … And before saying “I’ll not joining because *blabla*”, join the server, play, and tell me then what do you feel playing on it, and what could be better for next games =).

It’s the only way i can improve it, i can’t predict which configuration is better for all players here. Thx anyway for having read my post.



Does stickies damage yourself like on PingTimeout? Seems a little stupid that you can’t hurt others with them but you can still hurt yourself.


The plugin installed is there for that mate 8)

Maybe a player can be killed by stickies i dunno why, but i’ve allways seen demo stickyjump around me without taking any damage. I’m just wondering if players are aware that this server would be for training pipe skill only.


FuDoo :>


<3 tf2dm



Avant c’était difficile d’avoir une place, now t’as toute l Europe qui va venir, je suis pas sur que l’idée soit bonne.



Avant c’était difficile d’avoir une place, now t’as toute l Europe qui va venir, je suis pas sur que l’idée soit bonne.




I want full hp and ammo clip upon kill.


cool, but I despise french servers cause well I just always seem to hit only the air in those…

ill try it anyway because I love the mod


cp_fastlane is now on the server (spawnpoints tested etc).
Battle ground is from BLUE CP2/CP3 choke to RED CP3/CP2 choke where hot zones mostly are on the roof (for midair fights)and near medikits on CP3 sides.


I want full hp and ammo clip upon kill.

^ This.

I also think you should limit scouts to 2. Maybe it’s just me, but I find it so frustrating, when two good scouts team up and rape everything in their way… Little annoying assholes…


I disagree with the last post.

Its not about showing other 9 players how cool you are because you win some 1on1s with people… its about being focused and hit at your best even under pressure or in shitty situations

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