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TF2Center Official Statement on the DeutchLAN situation

Created 8th July 2015 @ 15:05

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Quoted from firej

did the site work before you logged in @ internet explorer ?
if so, then propably your alt account is banned aswell…
looks like this for me http://puu.sh/iU4zy.jpg
//ayylmao my bookmarks ;-;

Yup that’s the before and after screens I see. The 404 thing shows up after a minute or two



I laugh at people who flame the tf2center admins only to get banned and then they act surprised about it.

Last edited by Max,



Quoted from Max

I laugh at people who flame the tf2center admins only to get banned and then they act surprised about it.

you can’t ban everyone who thinks you’re an idiot or else permzilla would’ve banned half of etf2l

TF2C | MasterNoob




Quoted from TF2C | MasterNoob


Interesting read. Seems fair. This have been a kinda boring shitfest overall, TF2Center have provided a ton of hours filled with enjoyment and Deutchlan is a really cool project, it’s truly a shame that a partnership between these two ends up like this.


When on earth did I start advertising other websites on TF2C?

Also, downtalk on third-party media (if you can even call it that it was so minor) shouldn’t be a bannable offence. I can understand on the website itself, but freedom of speech exists on the internet, and I always try to base my arguments with some sort of evidence and semblance.

I appreciate the effort you made into this brother, but I obviously can’t forgive you for what you’ve done.

Last edited by RTC,


still offered them 500euros to ban RTC, so you’re still a bellend



oh ok, seems legit.
the first 500 euros weren’t conditional, but the second were, with the condition to ban a player you personally did not want to see in a LAN.

have you ever thought about the people donating the money?
do you actually think anyone who knows about this story would like to donate to you again?
people would rather directly donate to the causes they want instead of giving you the opportunity to have a position of greater power than you already have (and don’t deserve frankly speaking)
I don’t even see the apology for trying to drop someone from this event.
this post shouldn’t change anyone’s opinions of you, you just used nice language to show your case in the story, at no point I didn’t see you regretting your own actions, only the fact that you executed them badly and didn’t get your will.



So it’s all Foungi’s fault.


UbeR |

Again he’s lying about informing LAN organisation about the 500 euro.
When we were in a meeting, MN mentioned to have cut the entire prize pool, and donate 500 euro to our fund raiser instead (covering costs for players coming to LAN).
I couldn’t call him out on it since he might have told other LAN staff members about it, and went to Foungi (DeutschLAN staff). Foungi then told me he never heard about anything less than 2000,-
Late june was the first time anyone of LAN staff hearing about not receiving a prize pool from TF2Center, and instead getting a donation to the fund raiser.
Sadly I know how this came to be, I was invited to MN’s house a while ago and showed him the indiegogo, having a pretty neat amount after just a few days campaigning. He probably thought it was easier to just add to the campaign, but that was set up to cover costs for staff and players, with a guaranteed prize pool in mind.



Can we please agree that it’s all Hartz’s fault?


Quoted from basshead


you can’t ban everyone who thinks you’re an idiot or else permzilla would’ve banned half of etf2l

God I wish this forum allowed signatures, I would so have that quote in my signature.



Quoted from fraac

So it’s all Foungi’s fault.

partially yes. i don’t precisely recall the talks we had a few months ago, but according to his version i misunderstood him. since i don’t have chatlogs i can’t prove anything.
apart from that there were communication issues, mostly announcing things before having talked about them properly.
i still value masternoob as a person though, as well as his achievements for tf2c.


I’m not really sure why MN thought it was necessary to make us read a complete history of TF2C just to find out that he doesn’t see anything wrong with using site donations to pursue personal vendettas.

Mother Tereza


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