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TF2Center Update: Advanced Lobbies!

Created 11th June 2015 @ 12:14

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Quoted from Fuxx

The questioning is silly and should’ve been separated into three questions for better information; one which determines how the players themselves play lobbies, one which determines the degree of their unseriousness and a separate one asking for their opinion on serious lobbies without lumping them all together in one messy question. As it currently is, the data can very easily be misleading, misinterpreting and far from the actual truth. That is my reason for criticizing your extrapolation, Tereza, for it is bluntly obvious to many that the vast majority of your playerbase does not correspond to the numbers pulled from your questionnaire.

My turn to scream “evidence”.

Far more potential issues with Advanced Lobbies than TF2C’s research into how seriously their playerbase takes competition.

Maybe their playerbase is 84% Open/New to Competitive TF2 skill? That would be a more valid question.
But when an organisation does something properly (ie- use data to support their vision and decide their direction) should not just dismiss something as “Oh that must be wrong cos I see this…”


I’m not sure what to make about this “lobby seriousness” situation, I doubt that it’ll even be relevant in the long run. ALs are definitely not the exact same thing as lobbies, so I doubt you can correlate one’s “seriousness” with the other as effectively as you’d want to.

AL has been in the talks on the forums for MONTHS now. If they mess this up and just put an “Advanced” sticker on “Lobbies” I’m gonna lose my shit.

Quoted from quintosh

why would you consider player ranking? just take UGC/ETF2L experience and force people to sign up

The only reasoning I can see behind this is the problem with some players playing better on fully-fledged teams than on PUGs/lobbies, but even that argument is eclipsed by the fact that people don’t usually play their main class on lobbies, inflating other classes’ levels immensely and deflating their main class’s skill level just because of inactivity.

I’ve played Medic throughout my entire ETF2L experience (which isnt a lot, but still) save for a rare exception, but because I don’t play Medic in lobbies, I have a better rank at Scout/Soldier than Medic, even though I’ve only practiced extensively at Medic. I can only conclude that TPR ranks don’t correspond to a real 6v6 skill level and they shouldn’t be considered for anything more than bragging rights.

Just let people play the class they’re comfortable with when it comes to trying hard.



Without the donation requirement I’m not very sure it would go anywhere. Or it would just split/eat up different parts of the TF2C community which could cause problems as a larger single userbase is generally better for the site. But it would be interesting to see where it went.

With a donation requirement I would be flabbergasted if it went anywhere. And what is the money actually for? I thought the site+mumble would be covered by the donations currently being received.


Quoted from Munky

With a donation requirement I would be flabbergasted if it went anywhere. And what is the money actually for? I thought the site+mumble would be covered by the donations currently being received.

From their FAQ:

So why is it a paid service?
We’ve seen that this results in a stronger level of commitment from players, which is one of the core aims of Advanced Lobbies. We also really want to be doing more for the community and some of our plans require money. The money raised from Advanced Lobbies, plus any donations, will go towards:

Sponsoring other community projects such as logs.tf and tf2pug.me
Sponsoring leagues
Sponsoring teams
Hosting tournaments such as the Archimedes Cup
Hosting smaller events, such as the recent TF2C Mods vs Players, but with some prizes for the players
Sponsoring or hosting of a community LAN, with enough prize money to tempt the top teams into coming
If you’d like more background information, check out MasterNoob and Foxy explaining everything at KritzKast.

Basically they want another source of income

Last edited by .,


Quoted from Hildreth


My turn to scream “evidence”.

Far more potential issues with Advanced Lobbies than TF2C’s research into how seriously their playerbase takes competition.

Maybe their playerbase is 84% Open/New to Competitive TF2 skill? That would be a more valid question.
But when an organisation does something properly (ie- use data to support their vision and decide their direction) should not just dismiss something as “Oh that must be wrong cos I see this…”

The attempt made to solve the “unserious tf2center” issue is flawed due to the insufficiency in data retrieval from the questionnaire, a point which you ignored completely and yet is the crux of this recurring topic that is of utmost importance towards tf2center’s success and how well they can compete with tf2pickup. Do go read the post again as I’ve edited it to contain a tiny bit more info on that.

I have given my most honest criticism to tf2center in my previous posts and if they do not wish to take it then that is their business and not mine, and neither shall I go and double my current lobby count, collecting evidence and interviewing a large number of people just to prove some point whilst having zero gain whatsoever, monetary or otherwise.



Quoted from .

From their FAQ:


Basically they want another source of income

So none of the money would go to the upkeep of the site? People should donate to allow them to donate that money to things. Sounds a little too open to abuse considering the history of some of the people in charge (Masternoob, Mother tereza, etc).


(ETF2L Donator)

*tips le fedora @ fuxx*


Quoted from Scissors

*tips le fedora @ fuxx*

*le tips back*




two long term options:

– advanced lobbies are a success, everybody pays 12$/year, community gets stuff and has decent games if the system is still being improved (read skill limits to divide between div5 avg and div2 avg games, in case div2 should ever happen)

– advanced lobbies don’t succeed, everybody hates tf2c, people migrate to tf2pickup and have a solid matchmaking site that needs more resources, has less potential then tf2center, will eventually be home to the same noobas that fled from tf2c when everybody else did BUT doesn’t cost anything

so let’s play some games, chew some popcorn and let the free market economy do its thang.

Last edited by foungi,


Lol at people who say “Pay to Play, no thanks, not paying for that”, it’s only 1 euro, people waste their hats, keys, buds on Saloon.tf, everyone including comp. players ofc, you can just donate 1 euro for the sake of the website and developers, it’s thanks to them we got what we have right now, if there were to be no Tf2Center at all, comp. tf2 would be stagnant and plain boring.

If you’re that cheap and can’t donate just 1 euro, then I dunno wtf is wrong with you, you can waste money buying hats and betting on Saloon.tf but not providing any support to people who are trying to support competitive scene of this game?



Lol Popcorp don’t tell people what they should they spend their money on.


Quoted from Munky


So none of the money would go to the upkeep of the site? People should donate to allow them to donate that money to things. Sounds a little too open to abuse considering the history of some of the people in charge (Masternoob, Mother tereza, etc).

I’m not really in the position to speculate, but I guess they, in the end, can do anything they want with the money. At first I thought they wanted to get private servers specifically for ALs but that’s just my wishful thinking.

The idea of making ALs pay2play showed up early, if I can recall correctly, in this thread: http://forums.tf2center.com/topic/1837-advanced-lobbies/

My memory might be playing tricks, but the idea of paid lobbies isn’t completely new.

Last edited by .,


Quoted from Popcorp

Lol at people who say “Pay to Play, no thanks, not paying for that”, it’s only 1 euro, people waste their hats, keys, buds on Saloon.tf, everyone including comp. players ofc, you can just donate 1 euro for the sake of the website and developers, it’s thanks to them we got what we have right now, if there were to be no Tf2Center at all, comp. tf2 would be stagnant and plain boring.

If you’re that cheap and can’t donate just 1 euro, then I dunno wtf is wrong with you, you can waste money buying hats and betting on Saloon.tf but not providing any support to people who are trying to support competitive scene of this game?

I don’t think this is about the amount but rather the fact that they charge money for it at all. how about you invite some people to test it beforehand (for free) preferably competent streamers so everyone gets to take a look at it before they pay. if you’re gonna spend money on a videogame it doesn’t really matter how much. it’s about spending money on a videogame not knowing what you’re gonna get as opposed to for example buying hats, where you’re investing and knowing exactly what you’re gonna get.


Quoted from letto

[…]how about you invite some people to test it beforehand (for free) preferably competent streamers so everyone gets to take a look at it before they pay.

But that’s exactly what they’re doing in their semi-open-truck-closed-I-think beta.

In their FAQ: http://tf2center.com/al

Last edited by .,


Quoted from .


But that’s exactly what they’re doing in their semi-open-truck-closed-I-think beta.

In their FAQ: http://tf2center.com/al

This + I don’t understand what’s the fuss about right now, it’s not going to be P2P at the start, we will test it to see how it all works and then we can give proper judgement, you’re all free to stick to Tf2Pickup or your own circlejerkish doublemixes or w/e, don’t like Advanced lobbies idea? Ok, feel free to leave and carry on playing.

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