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TF2Center Update: Advanced Lobbies!

Created 11th June 2015 @ 12:14

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Quoted from Hildreth


I always enjoy reading comments on here where people treat their opinion as fact, when TF2C’s actual survey found over 90% of people on the website (according to Masternoob) take lobbies seriously whenever they play. I wish people would actually try and base their thoughts on evidence rather than just what they feel, then again that is how this community has been like for several years.

Though I do agree with many other points here, it definitely is not a perfect system but I do enjoy the fact that an organisation is trying to branch out and do something not so new an idea but with a different model.

“The majority of tf2center players aren’t casual gamers/pubbers”
It’s extremely hard to believe you do play unstacked lobbies open to any random people when you have this sort of opinion.

In 6v6 there exists already a mutual unspoken consensus amongst anyone who has even a shred of an idea of what to do to educate those are playing in the completely wrong manner, usually in a stern and aggressive manner that pressures newcommers to fit into the mold. I might be mistaken but I believe people have already been banned for not adhering to cookie cutter, regardless of results (perma-snipers for example).

But let’s talk about what seems to consist of the very bulk of tf2center: Highlander lobbies.
The same unspoken consensus to educate everyone is nearly invisible, usually restricted to the simple of act of reporting an engie using idiotic sentry placement and outright kicking medics with unimpressive experience before the lobby can even begin. Any attempt at educating players is rare, vague, and met with the occasional fierce resistance from the newcommer. There is little to no pressure on these people to look out at other resources and educate themselves, and I have offered to give a helping hand to the lowest of the low to get their footing on but am met with utter disinterest.

It is in many cases a pub with pre-defined sentry spots, nothing more, nothing less. To believe otherwise is horribly naive, if not utterly delusional.

“lol hl” indeed.

Quoted from Bloodis



Is this for real, it can’t be

“Do you troll in lobbies or try to play it the intended way?”
Oh jeez I wonder what option I’m gonna put in!


Quoted from Hildreth

I wish people would actually try and base their thoughts on evidence rather than just what they feel, then again that is how this community has been like for several years.

Evidence please.

Mother Tereza

Quoted from Hildreth

I always enjoy reading comments on here where people treat their opinion as fact(which is what I am going to do now because reasons), when TF2C’s actual survey found over 90% of people on the website (according to Masternoob) take lobbies seriously whenever they play. I wish people would actually try and base their thoughts on evidence rather than just what they feel, then again that is how this community has been like for several years.

Indeed Hildreth.
I’ll simply leave here TF2C survey results for those who are curious about evidences and facts.




I cant quote
surveys =/= what actually happens during lobbies

Last edited by Menty,


16:07:21 kaelan: @mn I am top 39% as Medic on TPR but top 11% as Scout. I play Medic MUCH BETTER than Scout, ask anyone who played on ETF2L with me. Can I play Medic?
16:08:16 TF2C | MasterNoob: @Kaelan: no you cant
16:08:27 TF2C | MasterNoob: slots will open up if your rank allows it
16:08:44 kaelan: (the one time I ask to play medic instead of dmers and people dont let me, praise the lord)

main medic with ZERO scout officials and only 3 or 4 Soldier officials (on div6), TPR is totally accurate

But seriously I’m going to give the semi-closed-sorta-open-whatever beta a try, we don’t have to pay to play that. If it turns out to be shit then there ya go don’t play them anymore.


Quoted from Mother Tereza


Indeed Hildreth.
I’ll simply leave here TF2C survey results for those who are curious about evidences and facts.

That says 49% of people play seriously most of the time, not that 90% of people play seriously. Lumping in the other options is not the same as saying they all play at a serious level, not to mention my previously-made (and very concise) point in the post above. Take your truth distorting skills and go become a politician.

Anyone know the percentage of people who “play seriously most of the time” in tf2pickup? Because it surely exceeds 49%

Edit: I am also concerned by the fact that you lumped in these two separate voting options:

“Mostly serious, I play properly most of the time”
“Serious, other players messing around detracts from my lobby experience”

What does this mean? That only a revoltingly low amount of 28% of players actually bother to remain serious when the lobby is occupied by people acting unseriously? Interpreting this information is important.

Quoted from .

16:07:21 kaelan: @mn I am top 39% as Medic on TPR but top 11% as Scout. I play Medic MUCH BETTER than Scout, ask anyone who played on ETF2L with me. Can I play Medic?
16:08:16 TF2C | MasterNoob: @Kaelan: no you cant
16:08:27 TF2C | MasterNoob: slots will open up if your rank allows it
16:08:44 kaelan: (the one time I ask to play medic instead of dmers and people dont let me, praise the lord)

main medic with ZERO scout officials and only 3 or 4 Soldier officials (on div6), TPR is totally accurate

But seriously I’m going to give the semi-closed-sorta-open-whatever beta a try, we don’t have to pay to play that. If it turns out to be shit then there ya go don’t play them anymore.

Advanced lobbies confirmed for joke of the year 2015 if this sort of thing isn’t changed. You’ve got a multitude of people here criticizing you, if that isn’t a sign that something is wrong then I don’t know what is.

Last edited by Fuxx,



Last edited by roban,



Quoted from roban

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“oh goyim would you like to buy access to advanced lobbies”

Mother Tereza

Quoted from Fuxx

That says 49% of people play seriously most of the time, not that 90% of people play seriously. Lumping in the other options is not the same as saying they all play at a serious level, not to mention my previously-made (and very concise) point in the post above. Take your truth distorting skills and go become a politician.

Obviously the math isn’t your best skill.

49% – Mostly serious, I play properly most of the time
28% – Serious, other players messing around detracts from my lobby experience
7% – Very serious, I get irritated when people don’t play properly

84% in total

Not seriously
13% – Partly serious, I play properly but often offclass or mess around
3% – I don’t take it seriously at all

16% in total



why would you consider player ranking? just take UGC/ETF2L experience and force people to sign up



Don’t even remember the last time I wasn’t with my buddies when bullying lobbies.

Last edited by Nevo,



I would appreciate it if admins could grow up a bit and not edit my posts, especially now that MT has saved me the effort. All I want to do is present a counter argument which I did.

MT has given you the evidence of the survey, though 84% isn’t 90%.

My own personal opinion is paying for advanced lobbies is a tough sell, and I am not sure if it will work or how they plan to set it up is the right way, Permzilla has most of the good valid points I have read and echo most of my concerns.
I just don’t like people presenting arguments with made up statistics when TF2C at least took the opportunity to do some actual research. Not saying it will work or if the survey results really reflect the competitive community on the whole, but only valid data we have presents one argument.

Maybe make a survey of Prem/High players views on Lobbies, least you will have evidence.


The questioning is silly and should’ve been separated into three questions for better information; one which determines how the players themselves play lobbies, one which determines the degree of their unseriousness and a separate one asking for their opinion on serious lobbies without lumping them all together in one messy question. As it currently is, the data can very easily be misleading, misinterpreting and far from the actual truth. That is my reason for criticizing your extrapolation, Tereza, for it is bluntly obvious to many that the vast majority of your playerbase does not correspond to the numbers pulled from your questionnaire.

edit: Add in a whole new section entirely actually, one which seeks to know the reaction of the playerbase when faced upon different types of lobbies. Questions that determine their reaction to lobbies that are serious, semi-serious, not serious, brutally stacked lobbies, etc.

Quoted from Hildreth

Maybe make a survey of Prem/High players views on Lobbies, least you will have evidence.

As a High player I will say simply that despite my recently shown aggression here in this topic, I expect simply for the playerbase to treat tf2center as a place for learning the competitive gamemode and as such there should be both leniency as well as the attempt to reduce unseriousness, whilst still providing room for humor and fun. As of now, the only way in which lobbies seem to teach competitive is by going to a 6v6 one because there is only defunct idiocy or ridiculous stacks to be found in highlander.

Last edited by Fuxx,



Paying for lobbies, you’ve got to be fucking kidding.



I would pay $1 a month to play lobbies if I still enjoyed playing competitive TF2. It’s a small amount, yet small amounts tend to focus the mind a lot more.

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