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Scum Pugs - pre-matchmaking pugs and scrims

Created 27th May 2015 @ 15:41

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So, thief just opened a PUG group called Scum Pugs, and he got an european server just two days ago.

Directly from the steam group:
“A lot of people are worried that matchmaking is going to be 6v6 with no weapon bans whatsoever and no class limits. I feel we should nip that in the ass and just get started with it.
1. No hacking.
2. Don’t trash-talk. I won’t police your language at all, but don’t deliberately make other people feel unwelcome. It’s not your place.

END OF RULES. Say what you want, play what you want. Outside of cheating, do whatever it takes to win.

Pug game modes
1. 6v6 no limits whatsoever
2. 3v3 bball, 1 of each: medic, soldier, scout — testing different whitelists
3. 5v5 bball (on ctf_ballin_mountain), 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo, 1 medic — no loadout restrictions”

imo the group looks really interesting and may even become a “big” thing eventually when matchmaking comes out. Also, playn 6v6 without any restrictions looks like something really fresh and fun that I surely wanna try out
So what do you guys think about playn 6s without any whitelist or class limit?

link to the group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/scumpugs


(ETF2L Donator)

rofl at the description, someone sounds well salty

still, I’m interested in playing some 6v6 no limits. Let’s go!


(ETF2L Donator)

Valve plans to compete with Blizzard’s new Overwatch, meaning if matchmaking has a successful takeoff, they might make their own league in the same vein as Dota. The cold, hard truth is players in TF2 (even the very top tier) just aren’t good enough to amuse the masses of the community the same way as Dota’s elite.

The reason for this is because 6s has created an elitist community with popular opinions, throwing around buzz words like “viable” (where they don’t know what the fuck it even means) to establish their fragile little meta. Pug groups, pug.me, tf2center, tf2pickup, IRC and forum scrim teams all unanimously frown on playing real TF2 and will ban you or refuse to play with you if that’s what you choose to do.



(Big Poppa)

Quoted from Sideshow

rofl at the description, someone sounds well salty

still, I’m interested in playing some 6v6 no limits. Let’s go!

Of course you would, pyro main.


Quoted from whiteee

3. 5v5 bball (on ctf_ballin_mountain), 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo, 1 medic — no loadout restrictions”




Quoted from damneasy






Almost enough salt in that description for my fish and chips. Almost.

san alex

can you add 12 vs 12 ctf please?


I like these rules because they don’t ban playing friendly or actively griefing your own team which is what I think of when I imagine Valve matchmaking. (:



Quoted from bobmus

I like these rules because they don’t ban playing friendly or actively griefing your own team which is what I think of when I imagine Valve matchmaking. (:

actually if they introduce some sort of ranking system I dont think that will happen



i remember the amount of griefers back when you could kill yourself to derank on csgo



Valve plans to compete with Blizzard’s new Overwatch, meaning if matchmaking has a successful takeoff, they might make their own league in the same vein as Dota. The cold, hard truth is players in TF2 (even the very top tier) just aren’t good enough to amuse the masses of the community the same way as Dota’s elite.

The reason for this is because 6s has created an elitist community with popular opinions, throwing around buzz words like “viable” (where they don’t know what the fuck it even means) to establish their fragile little meta. Pug groups, pug.me, tf2center, tf2pickup, IRC and forum scrim teams all unanimously frown on playing real TF2 and will ban you or refuse to play with you if that’s what you choose to do.

wow, this guy has a major case of PJSalt

made my day


Quoted from pablo


wow, this guy has a major case of PJSalt

made my day

To be fair, he’s not 100% wrong though.




ahahahah hf playing vs 3 medics and 3 demos

Last edited by yak,



Quoted from whiteee

5v5 bball (on ctf_ballin_mountain), 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo, 1 medic — no loadout restrictions”

2+2+1+1= 5????

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