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Fantasy TF2

Created 4th May 2015 @ 12:12

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Gentleman Jon

In a week that only saw 3 NA games being played ESEA Week 5 mini comp is finished, the winners:

Flicker’s team Young folks take the honours
Mix’s team kiwi all dah way takes 2nd
Hyperion’s yolonerds get 3rd

Bathe in the glory of pixel trophies here

ESEA Week 6 competition is now open (assuming TF2 ever works with the client again), and ETF2L’s first single week competition is open too, week 4. Both start from today’s games, and in typical ETF2L fashion there’s a week 3 game tonight to start with.

In ETF2L Qnx is now available as pocket for Danger Dogs as nation! has joined Animate. This switch won’t happen in your team automatically, if you want to adjust your roster then you have to make your changes manually.

Last edited by Gentleman Jon,

Gentleman Jon

Wiethoofd of tf2pickup.net/whitelist.tf has kindly donated some killstreak kits and keys, so from now on for the forseeable future the weekly games will have a prize! This will usually be a professional kit for first, a specialized kit for 2nd and one or more vanilla kits for 3rd, although depending on rarity, and Wiethoofd’s largesse, this may change (say a more valuable specialized kit for first prize one week).

We’ve also got some keys for the longer seasonal prizes but I’m not sure how I’ll distribute those yet, particularly seeing as it looks like Sideshow will be the main beneficiary.

Gentleman Jon

Desperate for points? Got transfers left? Reason are playing Lego tonight, just sayin’


tlr vs reason game does not include a gc round stats just saying

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from aura

tlr vs reason game does not include a gc round stats just saying

Yes, I failed to include this rule clearly in the FAQ but GC rounds are generally ignored. Your vigilance is appreciated, I’ll update the FAQ at the earliest possible moment.

Gentleman Jon

It happened, Hafficool best fantasy player EU http://beta.fantasytf2.com/home/playerlist/6



Teams that were made for “ETF2L SEASON 21 WEEK 4” mini comp. got points from TLR vs Reason game. I think that shouldn’t have happened since it was week 3 fixture. But the points were added because the fixture was played late or no?



Quoted from Gentleman Jon

tf2 is ded

Last edited by Thalash,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Just1s

Teams that were made for “ETF2L SEASON 21 WEEK 4” mini comp. got points from TLR vs Reason game. I think that shouldn’t have happened since it was week 3 fixture. But the points were added because the fixture was played late or no?

The competition is for any games played in that time period, not necessarily the Week 4 games.



Gives a huge advantage to people with inside information on scheduling.


Quoted from fraac

Gives a huge advantage to people with inside information on scheduling.

omg corruption in etf2l, call the fbi



I meant Prem players and their friends.

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from Just1s

Teams that were made for “ETF2L SEASON 21 WEEK 4” mini comp. got points from TLR vs Reason game. I think that shouldn’t have happened since it was week 3 fixture. But the points were added because the fixture was played late or no?

As Sideshow said above it’s the calendar period selected not the league week. I should probably have opened it up a couple of days before the weekly period started.


or you can just look at the schedule and matchpage comments…

Last edited by AB,

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from AB

or you can just look at the schedule and matchpage comments…

I wonder how I managed to post there was a week 3 game as the first in the time period without doing that.

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