
TF2Classic mod

Created 8th April 2009 @ 19:52

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for all you people out there who are, like me, still a little bit in love with the way tfc used to handle: the speed, the non-stop action, mayhem and skills.

or if you just want something different every now and then…

now you can, with the TF2Classic mod!

i’ve just released it to the public @

It adds nades and bunnyhopping (+flag throwing, but thats a second plugin), and has some extras for things like quadjumping and concjumping.
It also has a built-in fov command for those who’d like to use it
and more that i can’t remember atm… :D

try it out @, i’d love to have some feedback on it, stuff to improve and stuff to balance, to make the mod more well-rounded & overall fun to play


Sounds like the shizzle, ill check it out later and give feedback! Noice.


handheld concing doesn’t seam to work, or is it just me? and since when were pyros able to fly in tfclassic? =D



pyro can fly?! :D
great mod.



Great mod, only problem is that my nades turns invisible when I throw them, so it’s hard to aim..


Will definately try it, never played tfc for real but I recently fell in love with ff which is pretty similar.

EDIT: Sucks tbh :/ Grens truly dont fit into tf2.



Grenades don’t fit in any TF :p

Haven’t tried this yet tho, maybe will soon


GMF-Bun: are your nades always invisible? or just when they go far enough away?
because if it’s the latter it’s simply your graphics settings, because the nades are prop_physics, which with certain settings are made invisible after a certain range… it might actually be cvar, something like r_props_renderrange?

a guy in our clan couldn’t see nades if they weren’t right next too him too, and he just recently got a new pc and he can see them fine even over a whole map now

Norris: the handheld is a bit diffrent as it basically doubles the speed you already have
(though it should have a minimum boost, the script seems to be ignoring that), so you need speed to get it to do something, that said… it works wonders if you handheld after a first conc



Yeah that’s the problem, I’ll try to turn of my FPS config.



Still doesn’t work, I even tried adding cl_phys_prop_fade 9999
or whatever that command is..
Also, why is my lerp 0 on that server… :O


small update

-speedometer now shows speed in units
-doors open quicker
-on screen messages smaller


server moved ip, new one is



-speedometer now in units
-cvar tf2c_startnades, for changing amount of nades on spawn
doors open quicker (though not all of them, only “func_door”s and prop_dynamics which have “door” in their name)
-some bug fixes..

-cvar for airacceleration tf2c_aa (lower value means it’s harder to turn in air) 10 = default like in tf2, though i’d recommend 15 or 20 so you can actually turn without losing speed

UPDATE: Infection!

-multiple pain sounds for being hit
-bug & error fixes
-cvars for enabling bhop/trimp/pyrofly

-new skins for the nades, which look better with tf2’s colour scheme, thanks to ampersand! (the old materials are in the, the new ones come with the packages)

-INFECTION (tf2c_infectenabled)
so far this is not 100% done yet
but added so far:

-only needle gun infects (not blutsauger)
-amount of hits needed to infect = tf2c_infecthits
-infected players turn more and more green relative on which level of infection they are, they also have a tp particle below them, to show wether they are the original infected, or an infected by spreading (i will try and get them to have a greenish color, but for now red and blue will work fine)
-there’s 4 levels of infection

lvl 1: damage = tf2c_infectdamage, spreads only in a very small area around the infected, amount of hits needed = tf2c_infecthits
lvl 2: damage = 2*tf2c_infectdamage, spreads in a slightly larger area, amount needed = 3*
lvl 3: damage = 4*, spreads faster and in a medium area, needed = 5*
lvl 4: damage = 8*, spreads quite quick, and in a relatively large area, needed = 10* (if your this infected, you NEED a medic NOW!, otherwise you’ll infect your team quite easily, you could also suicide though )

-infection doesn’t go away by itself, and though it is possible to heal it through medpacks, it’s highly unlikely, since the way infect hits work is like:

every “hit” (with a needle, or by spreading) = 1 heal (heal being seen as more hp then last frame)
so, if you have for example, lvl3 infection, thus at least 5*infecthits, thus default 50 hits, then you’d need 50 healthpacks to heal you, or 50 frames of continous healing, thus a medic can easily heal you from it, since the healing is continous (dispensers too)

-various bug/error fixes (still 1 error message at start of round or when someone joins, but so far, it’s an inexplicable error)
-conc now properly pushes people away, even when they’re on the ground, moving into the blast
-made all nades be thrown equally far


After loads of small updates, we now also have

-armor (dont have the engi giving armor just yet, will be next update)
-spy walljump
-even further improved bunnyhopping
-prolly more stuff i forgot right now…

and soon to come:
-ammobags (capability to share ammo with others, and to decrease damage from emps)
-possibly new guns (if i ever get that working :S :P)

and also, we now have a website!!

and forums (though it just started, so theres not that much info just yet)


You may need to delete the Nades file in your folder and rejoin the server, as I know a couple of people who downloaded when they were a bit buggy and couldn’t see them also nice work Cranck there coming along nicely.

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