Season 17
Created 23rd December 2013 @ 22:03
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freight and obscure (or warmfront/coldfront) should be back.
Quoted from wwww
freight and obscure (or warmfront/coldfront) should be back.
Quoted from wwww
freight and obscure (or warmfront/coldfront) should be back.
+1, freight and obscure best maps
Last edited by caeli,
wouldn’t mind warmfront but freight is quite shite.
feight isn’t horrible but I think it would need some changes to be actually good currently it’s kind of meh :/
every single one of this maps would be out by season 18 anyways
how about adding maps that are still developed and can be worked on rather than old already rejected maps for the sake of playing something oldschool? or adding nothing so we can finally get good at metalworks and to a curtain extend viaduct
Quoted from TaylorSwiftFan100
every single one of this maps would be out by season 18 anyways
how about adding maps that are still developed and can be worked on rather than old already rejected maps for the sake of playing something oldschool? or adding nothing so we can finally get good at metalworks and to a curtain extend viaduct
Quoted from TaylorSwiftFan100
every single one of this maps would be out by season 18 anyways
how about adding maps that are still developed and can be worked on rather than old already rejected maps for the sake of playing something oldschool? or adding nothing so we can finally get good at metalworks and to a curtain extend viaduct
turbine wont be out by season 18, I loves me some turbine
Quoted from TaylorSwiftFan100
every single one of this maps would be out by season 18 anyways
how about adding maps that are still developed and can be worked on rather than old already rejected maps for the sake of playing something oldschool? or adding nothing so we can finally get good at metalworks and to a curtain extend viaduct
Stop asking for maps already banned.
No freight, no warmfront, no obscure. All these maps has been already played and rejected because they are shit.
We should try, if we “must” add news maps, add very new maps, still in developement to help creator with feedback and stuff.
The season isn’t the place for testing early maps. Use cups for that, otherwise you risk getting stuck with something ‘broken’ for a while, and fixing it mid-season is unfair.
Some sort of basic new map hub would be cool, although I don’t know how viable it is. Avg map rating, available casts and demos from recent cups or leagues and an idea of what upcoming cups there are. Viability and effort, I know. Could make it easier for admins to see what’s what among the masses though. Easy for the average noob to see the main contenders and/or what they should probably try out. Devs can see the feedback posted from mixes or cups.
it wasnt that bad with esea when they tried new brand maps. They had invite pugs testing new maps and had them provide bunch of feedbacks “directly” to the map author. Esea had cp standing, cp process and cp metalworks at early beta/late alpha stage.
You only need to get a map author who are commited for his maps and ready to accept feedbacks
Quoted from Nymthae
The season isn’t the place for testing early maps. Use cups for that, otherwise you risk getting stuck with something ‘broken’ for a while, and fixing it mid-season is unfair.
Some sort of basic new map hub would be cool, although I don’t know how viable it is. Avg map rating, available casts and demos from recent cups or leagues and an idea of what upcoming cups there are. Viability and effort, I know. Could make it easier for admins to see what’s what among the masses though. Easy for the average noob to see the main contenders and/or what they should probably try out. Devs can see the feedback posted from mixes or cups.
Last edited by maidos,
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