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TF2Center.com, from pub to competitive

Created 5th August 2013 @ 23:08

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srsly wow


(ETF2L Donator)

rofl who cares


Quoted from Scissors

rofl who cares, it’s tf2center

Last edited by Kaneco,



I’m crying

Ah, a classic admin with e-penis syndrome. Tereza’s ego trip post on TF2 Center is literally the saddest thing I’ve read in months, I’ve expected more of him.


(ETF2L Donator)

fucking tc


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

answer by mother tereza (in case somebody cares)

(i wasn’t there, just some random thoughts about this)
While it is true the statement from oxy “sucks to be him” may not been the most respectful one, but as there has already been problems before this, it is also kind of understandable that there is no place for respect for certain persons.

I guess the TC lobby had a different map as the other lobby. If that’s the case it simply looks like an absolut selfish act as a different lobby filled up faster. Regarding the first come first serve part, where exactly is that written as a rule? All the rules i was able to find were these: http://rc.tf2center.com/rules#1 (maybe i’m blind)

So basically that means you got 2 options late night. Being ‘forced’ to play the map of an already opened lobby that may not been filled yet, or to not play at all. Especially if you already have a lot of people who will join your lobby (like it’s mostly the case with tc lobbies).

It may be a free-to-play site, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore/insult parts of the community and simply say “if you don’t like how things are, don’t play”. Oxy, MS, Cup Cake and others have a lot of lobbies played and quite a big community standing behind them, so to say “follow my unwritten rules or fk off” is quite a big move. Especially as it isn’t the first problem between TF2C and the TC community.

Spike Himself


So when there is a lobby open with 2 available spots but Oxy has 9 people to play with, they aren’t allowed to make their own lobby?

Why do TF2C admins care so much about how many lobbies are open anyway? Why is it such an issue that potentially 178 pl_badwater lobbies are open at the same time? If people don’t want to wait for their lobby to fill up they are entirely free to choose to join another, and I am sure that they will, should such a situation arise. Imo this shouldn’t be regulated by admins at all. Never mind in the manner it happened in this instance..



Couple questions for Mother Tereza or couple other TF2C admins if you possibly read this, Im asking for research purposes
1. Have you been bullied in the past?
2. How was your relationship to your parents? Did they have a lot of expectations from you that you couldnt fill?

All answers appreciated, Im quite sure that being bullied in the past or not filling your parents expectations are connected to abusing the power, be it on the internet or the real life on workplaces etc. If you were bullied in the past and couldnt fight back now you feel that you can “give it back” to the bullies and make them feel what you felt, this isnt the right way, it might make you feel good for a moment but in the long run abusing power will only cause problems, for you and others as well.

I suggest that if you feel bad about your past you talk to someone and not keep continuing on abusing the admin power, it doesnt even need to be a professional, you can talk to anyone who just wants to listen and give compassion. After that you fill feel more confident and respect different aspects of life, success is not the only goal people should be going for. :-)


Quoted from Kuferl

answer by mother tereza (in case somebody cares)

That was some cringeworthy shit lmao



So “sucks to be him” is a seriously offensive thing to say… :D Talk about making an elephant from a fly

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Jiggly’s Fun House

Brick Top


So basically he/she admits that he closed it because of the ‘provocation’ from oxy with ‘sucks to be him’, giving a payload of other reasons.

Honestly, if TF2C was my project, I’d either tell this person to never reply to anything, if he was beneficial to the project in the back end, or to completely remove a person from the project.

When you are providing a service, you just can’t do what he did. I mean, and that is VERY BASIC PR. If you want to close the lobby because of those excuses, you can say.

‘Hello Oxy, I am going to close the lobby, since at this time and date, you can’t simply have two lobbies open and none will fill. Since another one is open by now with only X slots missing, you can reopen this one as soon as the other one fills. Apologies for the inconvenience.’

That is very basic. If you are the one catering to others and want people to use your services, you just can’t act like that. And why do you keep replying? And why do you take a comment like ‘it sucks to be him’ as a 100% real comment that he should apologize for. Like, really? How childish are you?

Personal suggestion, even if you don’t want to adapt to your users, and don’t want to improve your PR, just don’t reply anymore. Read the TF2GAMES topic on tftv? Ye, you are basically him right now.



lmfao this isnt even the first time that this guy shines with his incompetence



Quoted from Burn

So “sucks to be him” is a seriously offensive thing to say

its cuz this generation is filled with over-sensitive kids who cant stand a joke

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