
Pickup Survey [pickup hub website]

Created 28th May 2013 @ 16:03

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Hi there. Some of you might know about the web pickup project Shrike and I have been working on. Well, the idea from the start was to make it much bigger than just a simple 6v6 pickup website. Shrike has been hard at work for the past week now, writing this new pickup hub that will include 6v6, 9v9, UltiDuo and BBall pickups all on one website.

Current features (done or planned):
*Ready-up system
*Queue system
*AFK system
*Friend system
*Sub system
*Skill rating (per class)
*Chat with commands (imitating IRC?)
*Separated 6v6, 9v9, UltiDuo and BBall chat and pickup ‘rooms’

Now here comes the imporant part: We’d like to know what you would like to see from a pickup website, how would you like it configured? For example:
How long should the ready-up time be?
Would you actually play 6v6/9v9/UD/BB pickups?
Is a PM system and/or highlight system necessary?
What (other) features would you like to see implemented?
Do you have an idea about how planned features should work?
Thoughts about the website design (currently the design is strongly based on the current pickup website we have).
What URL do you think we should use?
How should UltiDuo/BBall pickups work?
Should skill rating be global or separated by pickup type?
What personalized features for the website would you like to see?
…or anything relevant you might thing of!

We are not ready for a beta release yet but we will need beta testers soon(ish)!

Any and all relevant serious input is greatly appreciated and will be taken into account when improving the web pickup hub!

Last edited by Datenshi,


1. UD
2. I’m not sure what `PM system` is
3. I don’t like colors, but layout looks good.
5. Seperated
6. Please take me as beta tester!
7. Maybe consider making this survey in Google Docs.




Last edited by Sketch,


You should have in-game prizes for the players who play the most medic during the month, or something similar. That’s the biggest issue with pickups, there are too few medics.



alternatively you could show which players in the current pickup have done the least pickups as medic in the last 3 weeks or something



As Ace said, medic is never populair, so some ‘motivation’ for that would be nice. This could be some prize, or just something along the lines of a guaranteed slot per X games as medic played.

What I mean by this: You’ve played medic for 5 games now and are totally fed up with it so you want to play scout. However, as usual those slots are always taken. But if you get a reserved slot per (for example) 5 games as medic, you can take one of those scouts his place (meaning he’ll get kicked out of that slot and you take it).

This is just one (probably stupid) example, but you can introduce a credit system that makes playing medic more favourable, spending credits for special ‘rights’, maybe mapchoice?

As for thread starter: Don’t know how skillrating per class is going to work out, might cause ppl to go ‘My sniper skill is very high so I’m going sniper mid!’
Another thing that would be nice is (private) stats that divide in months or something; this way you can see whether or not you are actually improving at a class (and this could be linked neatly to enemy skillsratings!) :-)

Hope it helps!



needs logs as well. +1 for what sitebomb said

Right now the friend system is for medics only so that kind of is a little bonus/reward. If there is at some point plenty of medics playing and no demos we might just switch the friend system to demo instead. That kind of thing. I do however like the idea of rewarding people for playing.

And since there will be a queue system you get a guaranteed spot if you queue (well, as long as there isn’t 50 scouts and no medics).

Skill rating for people will be private. Some stats like games played/classes played however will be public.

There will be logs on all servers.

Last edited by Datenshi,



How long should the ready-up time be? 1 minute
Would you actually play 6v6/9v9/UD/BB pickups? Only 6v6
Is a PM system and/or highlight system necessary? No. Optional highlight system would be nice though. Would be useful to bug someone if they hadn’t turned up yet or something.
What (other) features would you like to see implemented?
Profile page for each player linking to etf2l and steam profiles. Maybe also include stats like how how many pickups played as what class and links to stats profile. Make it so you can request a sub both from the chat and from the server (like the system). Make reporting a player and requesting for a sub separate (so a command like /sub pickup1 blu soldier and one like /report datenshi was no show without calling sub) and make it so only 1 person needs to call for a sub (or at the very least, you can call a sub for yourself). Commands like /connect mumble and /connect pickup1 would be nice too. Make it so people logging in for the first time are redirected to the rules page with big emphasis on the using mumble part (maybe with a link to tf2lobby if they haven’t any 6v6 experience along with etf2l/ If you’re making it similar to tf2pickup, have it play a sound when 2 medics are added rather than when 11 players are added. Pick a bunch of admins you know well and will play a lot. Perhaps specify your division when you login for the first time as a starting point for the skill system? Maybe allow medics to either choose maps (so the actual map picked would be random between the 2 medics’ chocies) or to veto a map each? Could enforce class limit 1 for utility classes on the server to prevent double pyro/sniper/engineer trolling and include a warning for excessive offclassing in the rules.
What URL do you think we should use?
Should skill rating be global or separated by pickup type?separated

Pretty much just wrote whatever crap popped into my head

Last edited by laerin,


\V/ Gold

I’m exited what you’ll come up with, but what do you need chat commands for? As far as I can remember, bot commands were the only way of automized transmission of some kind of information or action (add me up, show me mumble info, show status). All of this can be done more ‘natively’ by using features of common websites (have buttons instead of !add commands, show popus for mumble info etc).Imo it’s a far easier to understand and therefore brings a better user expierence,. Just because we are so used to it from former times doesn’t mean it makes it more favourable.

Go west! It would be cool to see you guys releasing it as soon as your must-have features are implemented and not wait until all the fancy stuff is done too, but I know that’s kinda hard.

Last edited by nTraum,



If a thing isn’t too broken then you shouldn’t need to do much fixing. do a lot of things really well. Just sayin.

Best of luck.



Set the limit for all offclasses to 0.

The general level of organisation in a pickup group often isn’t good enough to deal with the more abusive defensive offclass combinations on most maps, at least where teams are balanced.

Also the number of pickups where particular offclasses *cough*sniper*cough* are put to good use are far outweighed by the number where some idiot decides to constantly play some stupid class *cough*sniper*cough* and ruins the game for both teams.

Pugs would work just fine with 2s2s1m1d and no limits to allow for spawnswitching.

Oh and the certain number of med games = priority slot token is a good idea, but i’d also extend it to allow the medics to give reserved slots to other people too. If that person only plays medic, those tokens wouldn’t exactly be put to good use since there’s pretty much always going to be med slots open; it’d be much better to also allow those meds to let their buddy into the pug instead.

Last edited by Vali,



How long should the ready-up time be?

in game 2-3min, with an option to force start.

Would you actually play 6v6/9v9/UD/BB pickups?

6v6 mostly, a little 9v9 when bored and UD when very bored or just feeling a bit silly.

Is a PM system and/or highlight system necessary?

Not necessary but certainly helpful and useful.

How should UltiDuo/BBall pickups work?

Same way normal ones do? add as soldier/medic wait for other team. Or have an option to random pick classes.

Should skill rating be global or separated by pickup type?

definately separate, they cross over but they’re not 1 for 1.

What personalized features for the website would you like to see?

Links to profiles as others stated, ETF2L and Steam Profile links.
A way to see your own stats especially if you’ve got ELO or something similar. If only a private access for the user to their own and a way of seeing what it means compared to others on that class.

Last edited by Henghast,


Or maybe get data from Steam and ETF2L profiles and display on website?
Some avatar, nickname, div, teams etc..



The best incentive for playing medic is and always has been a captain based system. I don’t understand why people are so opposed to a captain system. It divides the teams relatively well based on skill so there is no need for an overly complicated elo system (granted the captain has a clue anyone is). But more importantly, even if it was a bad game, you
a) only have yourself to blame (you chose a losing team) or
b) you played with friend i.e. you care less about the result because you still had some semblance of fun.

So you have no reason to not play medic, if that is the class you enjoy. I, personally, am put off from playing medic even if the players aren’t even bad in the pickup because I could get that guy that I don’t like or an unbalanced team that gets 5:0’d etc. A captain based system removes this possibility.

This is a tried and tested way of organising pickups, right now the only pickups being played use this system and have been for a long time e.g. and doublemixes. Furthermore, all the irc channels that are now dead from inactivity HAVE USED THE EXACT SYSTEM YOU ARE PROPOSING NOW AND HAVE DIED. What makes you think if you recreate it on a different platform, only changing minor things it will work where others have failed? Namely, #mpuktf2.pickup, #mpuktf2.pickup2, #pixelpickup et cetera

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