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serveme.tf - free TF2 server reservations

Created 25th October 2012 @ 09:38

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Quoted from vani

I cant believe this is free of charge. Donated, buy yourself a beer/treat

Cheers! There’s now a credits page listing more people like yourself :)

Last edited by Arie,



If you have the time/motivation, maybe implement some system where you can, say lend out your server for one night (no pcws, taking a break or something) to people who could use it. Its always nice to give back.



Yeah I like that idea, there are two issues though:
1. It would really complicate the current setup, which just writes config files locally and kills the server, causing a restart.
2. Server hosts generally have a clause in the contract prohibiting sharing a server.

Still, I’m looking into adding external servers, but it would probably require ssh access to keep it relatively simple, which you generally don’t get when you rent a server.

Last edited by Arie,

Spike Himself


Quoted from Arie

Still, I’m looking into adding external servers, but it would probably require ssh access to keep it relatively simple, which you generally don’t get when you rent a server.

Could go the rcon way. Of course you wouldn’t have the access to guarantee quality of your own configs, but you could always add a disclaimer on your website for these cases.

If there’s an option for people to give feedback after using a server, you can quickly get rid of servers that aren’t up to your standards.



Quoted from Arie

Yeah I like that idea, there are two issues though:
1. It would really complicate the current setup, which just writes config files locally and kills the server, causing a restart.
2. Server hosts generally have a clause in the contract prohibiting sharing a server.

Still, I’m looking into adding external servers, but it would probably require ssh access to keep it relatively simple, which you generally don’t get when you rent a server.

any chance of open sourcing it so that others can take a look at implementing this?



Quoted from octochris


any chance of open sourcing it so that others can take a look at implementing this?

Here you go: https://github.com/Arie/serveme

Last edited by Arie,



Quoted from Arie


Here you go: https://github.com/Arie/serveme




Quoted from octochris



Get me some high quality pull requests! ;)



Soooo….almost 2 weeks later:

– About 90 people have logged in.
– 30 reservations created in 7 days
– 19 reservations ended by user (11 people dont care about logs/demos ;) )
– 5 servers available for reservations.
– 2 donations :)

If you’ve used the service, please let me know how it went and if you’re missing anything :)

Last edited by Arie,


Can you create some kind of system that prevent abuse of the system or reservations that are not closed? There are reservations for whole days without being closed, I only used it one time so far but 5 mins after our game ended I closed it…

Something like after 30 mins of not having people on the server the reservation automatically ends



Quoted from Arie

– 2 donations :)




great idea



Quoted from Herr_P




<3 http://server.fakkelbrigade.eu/pages/credits

Quoted from Kaneco

Can you create some kind of system that prevent abuse of the system or reservations that are not closed? There are reservations for whole days without being closed, I only used it one time so far but 5 mins after our game ended I closed it…

Something like after 30 mins of not having people on the server the reservation automatically ends

Hey thanks for the suggestion, I've noticed that issue as well. Some people make a reservation early in the day and don't play until normal match times. This way they make sure they have a server to play their match on, but block anyone from using that server during the daytime.
It's a side effect of keeping the system as simple as possible, both technically and for someone making the reservation.
I'm not sure how and if I want to solve this issue in the system, I could try asking the people that make a blocking reservation to stop doing that first ;)



Add start time to booking. If no activity on server 15 minutes after start time –> cancel booking?



Quoted from Monkeh

Add start time to booking. If no activity on server 15 minutes after start time –> cancel booking?

Yeah that’s an interesting option, but I do think this will make things rather complicated though.
I’d have to tell you when making a reservation: “Your server will reboot at 19:00 because it’s been reserved by X, so make sure you’re done by that time”. Meh…

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