Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
The ETF2L PASS Time Cup Roster Locks are now active!



Created 8th September 2012 @ 19:58

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#lz.pickup is going live! Registration is now open, and the bot/pickups will be enabled tomorrow.

You can register at: http://pickup.lethal-zone.eu/index.php .

BIG thanks to the LethalZone community for making this happen. You can check them out here: http://www.lethal-zone.eu/

Channel: #lz.pickup
Server: pickup.lethal-zone.eu:33333
Mumble : pickup.lethal-zone.eu 64738

This pickup channel requires a 1-time registration and being Auth to Q.
It features an Balanced Teams system, according to ELO rankings. You can see all commands by typing “!commands” on IRC.

Rules have yet to be written down(coming soon), the “theme” is be nice, play nice (don’t have to be to serious, but comms and good spirit are a must), HF.
Anybody who is giving people a bad time will be taken care of.

How to register Q, Auth and “Disguise” guide: http://etf2l.org/forum/support/topic-22664/?recent=406476

How to register to #lz.pickup guide: http://etf2l.org/forum/support/topic-22676/

Current admins: Myself(Trath) and Huhy . We are looking for 1-2 people that are interested in playing the role of admin, keeping order and such. If you are interested just simply say so here or on the feedback thread, I will contact people I think are fit for it.

Feel free to post any feedback you have. If something is wrong/broken or if you have a feature to suggest, this is the thread for it!

Last edited by Trath,


Changed the error message on IRC and added (Example STEAM_0:0:123456) on registration page to avoid some confusion that was happening :D


Well the first pickup finished and it was all good, I guess that’s a milestone?

*Fixed map votes not showing properly on the topic
*Changed color of maps on !maps command and Topic/Votes.
*Bot will now tell you that you have been marked as afk when you use !afk

**NOT CONFIRMED YET: I tried to fix the AFK function which was not working properly and causing other problems as a result.


The big bug has been fixed. Special chars and not having IRC nick as Q username no longer cause problems.

It was caused do to me making a noobie error.


bumping this


132 players signed up so far (last 2 days).

I made a couple small changes, as suggested by different users:
Map votes will no longer be in topic due to the topic character limit, they will be showed in a message when players vote, or when you type “!votes”.

From now on, when any team score’s, the bot will change the topic instead of just sending a message. Also, it will have Timeleft as well instead of just the score.


LZ had their server’s HDD fail, but they got it replaced already (really fast, its been like maybe 12 hours since the HDD fail).

Pickup channel is now back up



any reason why it says my steamID is not valid altho it should be?


Quoted from frixx

any reason why it says my steamID is not valid altho it should be?

Well I assume you had not put STEAM_ then? :D
Sorry to inform you but because of the LethalZone DB issues, anybody who signed up today was not added to the DB. (which is only you as far as I am aware :D)


Sorry, but the SteamID STEAM_0:0:32494010 is not a valid SteamID
why not


Quoted from omrish

Sorry, but the SteamID STEAM_0:0:32494010 is not a valid SteamID
why not

Your steam nickname is “sN. omrish <3 RHCP mix?". Please change your steam nickname to "LZPickup" so that your SteamID can be confirmed.

Don't know what your prob is, maybe you had a space or something



ye forgot to put STEAM_ infront of it, I got it after 5 mins of rage ^^

tnx anyway


why? pixel dead… make it an invite system for div 4+ maybe interested.

Otherwise pointless.


Quoted from Trath


Your steam nickname is “sN. omrish <3 RHCP mix?". Please change your steam nickname to "LZPickup" so that your SteamID can be confirmed.

Don't know what your prob is, maybe you had a space or something


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