This a simple step by step guide on how to:
1. Registering a Q account.
2. Auto Auth(login) to the Q account + Disguise.

“/msg Q HELLO [email protected] [email protected]
add your auth line (such as “/auth Trath ABCDDDDD”) and “disguise” line (“//mode $me +x”) to mIRC Perform.

1. Registering a Q account:
To register a Q account, all you have to do is connect to Quakenet like always. Once you are connected, type (in any window):
“/msg Q HELLO [email protected] [email protected]
Change “[email protected]” to your email.

Now login to your email, you should see a message from Q/Quakenet. Open it and click the link. Fill in the right letters/numbers and move on.
You will now be on a page with your Q account username and a randomly generated password. (you Q account username = your IRC nick when you did the email thing).

Also, there will be a line that says “/auth Trath XXXXXXXXXXXX”. This is the command that you need to send after connecting to Quakenet.


2. Authenticating / Loging in:
Every time you connect to the Quakenet IRC, you need to re-auth. You can auth by typing “/auth Username Passowrd”, like the line you were given when signing up. If you disconnect, or get disconnected, you need to type it again.
If you are using mIRC, I suggest you go to File->Select Server(Alt+E). Then on the left list, choose “Options”. Now click the “Perform..” button.
Select the “Enable perform on connect”. In the perform text box, insert your auth command – “/auth Trath H28pNHAAAA” for example. Hit enter to go to a new line, and type “//mode $me +x” for mIRC and “umode +x” for XChat – this will keep your IP hidden and change your IRC hostname to your Q Username. This way custom bots such as Pickup Bots will be able to recognize your Q.

Last edited by Trath,