nervousENERGY/idk Mixes for New People - Help Needed
Created 6th August 2011 @ 14:18
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Since I got involved with this group I have seen how big this could potenially be. Although I have some plans for the future, what I really need now is to get this promoted.
This means that if any of you are involved in any pub communities I would like you to post on the forums about this group; or even better if you can have it put on the servers themselves.
We have loads of admins willing to make mixes for people and even better we mentor those who are interested. This group has the potenially to open up competitive TF2 to the masses and will bring an influx of new people.
So if you are well known in a community group please post on their forums. If you are too lazy to make your own post, here is the one Monkeh made on the -HH- forums:
Hey there everybody,
nervousENERGY and IDK have teamed up to create a steam group for new TF2 players to try their hand at competitive TF2 in a relaxed and friendly environment. The only requirement is that you can use mumble, we demand communication!
It’s a simple system whereby an admin of the group will post an event in steam saying when the mix will take place, usually about half an hour after the announcement is made, anyone wanting to play just needs to comment on the event page which class they would like to play, the admin updates the list as they post, the mumble details are given out on the event page, server details given out in mumble and then we go play. We try to get at least one player with experience, (the admins), on each team to help with calling, positioning, when to push etc. We have a good list of people willing to help out and the thread on etf2l, , has brought us a few more.
The group has only been in existence for about 10 days and the demand for mixes is pretty high, we’re doing as many as 7 a day at the moment! The guys who have joined the group are all nice, friendly people and the matches are always good fun. We have over 200 members currently and it’s growing daily. Feel free to have a look at some of the mixes we’ve organised already here: . We already have 2 new 6v6 teams being born through these guys getting together, playing some TF2, loving it and wanting to make a team, we’re hoping these will be the first of many.
Just thought I’d post here to introduce you all to the whole thing and invite anyone interested along for some good old 6v6 action whenever you feel like it. Join the group and watch for the announcements popping up regularly through the day.
If any of you more experienced players want to get involved with some minor mentoring or becoming an admin and hosting a few mixes, feel free to add me or Chaplain on steam and we can have a chat.
Good luck and have fun
So glad I offered to help with this, these players really listen and actually wan’t to learn!
Will post over at Rasta and on Reddit! :)
reddit post –
Last edited by dougiie,
I’ve joined the group as well, could help out/ play some mixes
Thanks for the promo crash! We are nearing 300 members, and if even a third of these decide they like comp TF2 and join etf2l next season, it will be a really positive thing for the eu scene IMO!
I posted on UKCS HH and UKMD…twice, because for some reason they removed my thread…twice.
It’s growing nicely now, this really does have masive potential.
Edit: I’ve now been banned from the UKMD forums! WOW! GG guys.
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from Monkeh
I’ve now been banned from the UKMD forums! WOW! GG guys.
Quoted from dougiie
So glad I offered to help with this, these players really listen and actually wan’t to learn!
Will post over at Rasta and on Reddit! :)
reddit post –
Needs upvotes so people actually see it :)
Quoted from dougiie
So glad I offered to help with this, these players really listen and actually wan’t to learn!
Will post over at Rasta and on Reddit! :)
reddit post –
someone is gonna get tons of karma.
EDIT: Crashsite sounds sexy.
Last edited by Wolf :D,
Joined the group, feel free to add me to the mentorsssss for anything really. Probably best for Soldiering and general team tactics but i know my way around the other classes decently.
Remember that admins are there to make mixes for others. Ideally we want 10 new people and 2 “pros” every game.
Hopefully we can have a section soon for just mentors, people who can help with any part of the game.
Need any more people there to help? My team is a bit inactive so I have some spare time :)
Yep, the more the better. But remember to setup mixes, don’t just wait for them to be done by someone else.
Also try to off-class either as medic or as your worse class, if someone new wants medic. The best thing you can do is call in these games.
Added myself, so who starts these mixes? Is it just any comp player?
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