
One Night Cups

Created 11th January 2009 @ 14:03

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I have recently with the help of some friends started a TF2 one night cup chan on IRC. This is because i found it boring play pickups and wanted to have more of a reward than just winning a match. The IRC channel is #TF2cups please idle and support and i believe we are the only tf2 cup channel on quakenet :D.





more reward than just winning?

whats the reward of this? :)

in seriousness though, if a nice variety of clans participate its likely we will find this more interesting practise than just pcw’s



As Akill said, nice idea, but what is the reward? Just being able to say we won the 21/1/09 cup?



Sorry for long delay between replies I have been away for a few days. The prize until i get my job will be a fun cup. I’m trying to sort out with some companies for special prizes like BNC’s for a team and a server for a month. For more info come onto #TF2cups on irc and I would appreciate if you all spread the news



Server’s for one month are pointless. You’d have to reupload any maps you want, sort FTP out etc, get Source TV up. It isn’t hard, but I can’t see many teams viewing it as an incentive to enter.



Hmm i know what you mean dave but still I thought it would be more interesting than just pcws all the time



Looks fun to me, cause you can also create a 6-man mix team and join in =D Makes it more fun and easier for clanless people to get some pcw’s.



Yeah, I think it is definately a good idea, I just don’t think you should try and make it into a special competition and try and provide prizes, although it would be cool – if a team wants to play a night of pcws, they could well enter anyway.

Only problem is making sure you don’t get a Div5 team playing 4Kings in their first game, and the evening being ended within 10mins.

With a good structure, this could be a good idea.



Dave, you can make sure that won’t happen by having a league system and not a cup system.

Every team plays the other teams once, and not a lose=drop system. The one with the most wins/points wins and gets the honour =D



I assume a “mini league” would take a lot longer than a night to manage.

I think the idea is there, with more clans interested it could become something quite popular.
Though, as Dave said, the skill ranges will have a great effect.

How long do you expect a cup to last? How are you planning the scoring? (Map wins or cap totals?)



I was planning to have a knockout cup with a maximum of 16 teams meaning, 4 stages. Seeing as a tf2 match can take 30 mins or more depending on the map thats a whole evening of gaming :D. If it becomes popular i might do something like an invite cup for higher skilled teams and just standard cups for lower skilled teams as i know what you mean about div 6 teams vs div 1 teams. I am however trying to get more popular so can everyone ask about who would be interested and i will keep you posted on how things are going. My site is coming within the next 2 weeks so will keep updated.



Just make sure you autojoin #tf2cups, so we make this more popular. This can be alot of fun.

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