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ScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 4 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Zpalmtree

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey all, thinking of doing some more comp, I quit a while back.

I was main spy then, and would say I was silver/div 4 ish skill.

My main is now sniper, but I can do scout and spy at div 4 level I would say, so if you need a sub for those 3, that's cool. I can also sub solly if needed, but not amazingly.

Preferably I would like a div 4 team as main sniper but i'm open to subbing too.

I have mumble, and can also use TS.

experience-not much-made it to playoffs in season 12 steel, and were going to go silver until I quit. Also was in a really bad div 6 team like a year ago. Hopefully some people know me from lobbies, and know that my skill is div 4 when i'm sniping well.

Availability- About 4-10 GMT every day.

Also can do UGC silver i guess

Add me on steam if you would like to talk.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94226036 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Seal Cub Clubbing Club [Highlander] Aoshi
Joined Seal Cub Clubbing Club [Highlander] Aoshi
Left Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Zpalmtree
Joined Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Zpalmtree

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4/Div 5 21 645
View Div 4/Div 5 25 628
View Div 4 19 670


  1. daqqs said:

    good gamer deserves a team

  2. mumba said:

    >>>>>>>>>Div 4

  3. Zpalmtree said:


  4. Zpalmtree said:
