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Heavy  Mid/High Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom zigzag

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to play mid/high heavy with an experianced/confident team. im pretty ok at shooting guys. I don't maincall ;v

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:64705410 Add Friend

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Left Pizza Police [Highlander] drew
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] drew
Left Gay Deer World Takeover [Highlander] zigzag
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Joined noegd [6v6 Fun Team] Hoplitejoe
Joined Gay Deer World Takeover [Highlander] fsidu
Left Gay Deer World Takeover [Highlander] zigzag
Joined revive [6v6] Conkers
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Joined bark [6v6] fsidu
Left Slamdunk Crusaders [6v6] zigzag
Joined Slamdunk Crusaders [6v6] Chemist
Left revive [6v6] kKaltUu
Joined Gay Deer World Takeover [Highlander] fsidu
Joined revive [6v6] fsidu
Left Deceive [Highlander] zigzag
Left Amiable Volley [6v6] zigzag
Joined Deceive [Highlander] WrytXander
Left The Book Club [Highlander] zigzag
Joined The Book Club [Highlander] piotrek63
Left Disco Night at the Synagogue [Highlander] zigzag
Joined Disco Night at the Synagogue [Highlander] Difegue
Joined Amiable Volley [6v6] zigzag
Left ◈ [Highlander] zigzag
Joined ◈ [Highlander] Zemnmez

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  1. fsidu: (ETF2L Donator) - Rev. said:

    top notch lad, top notch heavy, top sandvich throws. can confirm from 2 seasons experience with him that he is ok at shooting guys. confident in that he’s one of the best choices available for heavy and idek who’s lft at mid/high atm

  2. ArchAngel said:

    Dropped a medic on upward’s first. Will always remember that.

  3. Leif: wL. said:

    Good heavy, pick him up.