ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates brocode

Posted by kuma: | Last Online:


We're looking for a soldier with div 2/1 skills, gamesense and social skills (blame SfynX).
Probably be playing div 2 in S9 looking for promotion. That is unless we finally finish our roster with a good recruit and I feel we are ready for div 1 during the off-season.

Feel free to add me but we are taking a Christmas/New Year break so we won't be trialing for a while.

Being Asian is a +.

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  1. Baros^: HARDSTOMP - BLLB said:

    added ;s

  2. r7an: -9w- said:

    all GOOD scouts add them, g lads

  3. Masther: Actimel said:

    lol barosz :d added :D:D:D

  4. Baros^: HARDSTOMP - BLLB said:

    lol stfu pizdo 8)

  5. Chris: (0v0) said:

    fucking SOLDIERS

  6. kuma said:

    demo now

  7. blorg said:

    rocky is my sunshine

  8. blorg said:

    11:29 – r0cky: im playing bad lately
    11:29 – r0cky: bad week
    11:29 – r0cky: but i dont go emo
    11:29 – r0cky: i just masturbate

  9. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Can only be Gubbins or HoneyMustard.

  10. Mike: TEZC said:

    chris sucks, gl finding someone that will play with him

  11. honeymustard: Phase said:

    I taught gubbins everything he knows (pertaining to badlands rollouts)… but not everything I know!!

  12. Chris: (0v0) said:

    keep on unicyclin’

  13. Chris: (0v0) said:

    also mike mad because moogle airkicked him from his own clan

    what can i say, he’s a loose leg

  14. Mike: TEZC said:

    i’m mad? look in the mirror bro, but then again spare your eyes that horrible sight ><

  15. kuma said:

    Don’t whine about the team name rule was broken, so we are now the Magical Rainbow Ponies or PWNIES for short.


  16. returNNNN said:

    will this demoman play s9?

  17. kuma said:

    yeah, unless they are bad :))))

  18. returNNNN said:

    thats why you search scout for your place i guess

  19. randa said:

    Kuma and chris are faggots

    tl;dr faggot team


  20. Chris: (0v0) said:

    man mike, you burned me so hard that i feel like a chicken tikka masala

  21. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    mike likes flaming?

  22. evokje: WiK? said:

    wtf is going on in here

  23. evokje: WiK? said:


  24. _Ben: ;? said:

    gl boysssss

  25. blorg said:

    rocky’s still my sunshine, evokje’s my moon.

  26. n00ne said:


  27. kuma said:

    Blame SfynX :(

  28. Gubbins said:

    I’m not asian but I can stretch my eyes reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally far if I try…

  29. ups said:

    A superb bunch of people. They carried on their first season on etf2l with some decent results, hope you guys find a good soldier!

  30. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Ghent, Erner0, NaMu, CommanderX

    There´s a few good Soldiers looking at the moment :D

  31. kuma said:

    im in japland atm so post here as i wont have access to steam :(

  32. DouGie: CotC said:

    I really like like kuma

  33. SfynX: T2P said:

    Need a soldier to constantly shout for medic, its the only way to get chris to heal us =)