ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European x)

Posted by hr: | Last Online:

We are x) a new team registered in div6, we are serious and looking to win all of our games and improve along the way, I (hr) in particular will be taking steps to actively improve each player and the team as a whole.

Medic: hr (calling)
Demoman: ____
Pocket: Fuzz
Roamer: Dinozzo
Scout: Sleeping
Scout: Ollie

We need a demoman, I expect from you to be able to speak english well preferably as your main language, to be able to rollout fairly consistently and be willing to listen to comms and team talks and improve yourself.

We would like someone to try out as medic for us too so that I (hr) may go scout in place of Ollie who will then play as a sub for us, as medic I expect the same things from you as previously written for demoman and if you can main call then this would be a big plus but is not required.

please add hr if you are interested

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