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Soldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Hungary wrex

Posted: | Last Online:

After leaving Dynamo due to lineup changes/problems and inactivity, im looking for a div3 team as a (backup, if needed) roamer solly.

About myself:
– 14 yo old :<
– Mature
– Friendly
– Active
– Good dm skill
– Willing to improve my skills
– Not LANable for one and half more year :<
– Experience against div3/2 teams/players (not in officials)

I prefer an english speaking stable and active team that has a gameserver and a mumble server with mature and active players who are willing to improve their own and their team's skills.

Add me on steam for a chat <3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43766511 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left aaa [6v6] wrex
Joined aaa [6v6] wrex
Left the new one [6v6] wrex
Left Brett Domino Trio [2v2] wrex
Joined the new one [6v6] wrex
Left Classic 6 [6v6] wrex
Joined Classic 6 [6v6] wrex
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] .
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Left 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Joined 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Brett Domino Trio [2v2] wrex
Joined Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Left padavan [6v6] wrex
Joined padavan [6v6] wrex
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Left Let us MOVE ! [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Joined ThePadavan [1v1] wrex
Left Newunionists Highlander ogc.hu [Highlander] wrex
Joined Let us MOVE ! [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Joined Newunionists Highlander ogc.hu [Highlander] Bullshit
Left Touched by a Soldier ! [2v2] wrex
Left from your nightmare with love... [1v1] wrex
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Left inside Gaming [6v6] wrex
Joined inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Left inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Joined from your nightmare with love... [1v1] wrex
Joined Touched by a Soldier ! [2v2] DeadpoOl
Joined inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Left Extra Shiny Kings [2v2] wrex
Left Extra Shiny Kings [6v6] wrex
Joined Extra Shiny Kings [6v6] wrex
Left Toborzo Szazad [6v6] wrex
Joined Extra Shiny Kings [2v2] wrex
Joined Toborzo Szazad [6v6] wrex

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 34 7221
View Div 2 26 2427
View Div 3 14 10624
View Div 4 3 342
View Div 4 0 270
View Div 5 0 251
View Div 4/Div 5 4 341
View Low+ 6 430


  1. Agent 0: ? - fgt said:

    Good soldier! GL!

  2. Lukas: ti. said:

    Should do well in top 3 team , Great aim and clear calls.

  3. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Nice guy, good soldier and probably the filthiest capping whore i´ve seen :D

  4. DuPe: [9mm] - HHH said:

    Deserves a good team. Pick him up!

  5. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    He is wearing gayish trousers, but he is a good solly, pick him up! :D

  6. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    He’s a bit homo, but nice person, good aim and gamesense, and his balls have dropped :))
    solid div3 gl

  7. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    he has agay mohawk.

  8. wrex said:

    not anymore, i became bald because of my brother’s failure with the hair-clipper :<

  9. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:


  10. mici said:

    really good dm skill, give him a try :D

  11. Datenshi: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    Cool guy and good solly, pick him up

  12. Colt.: swimp said:

    clean calls, likes to fly high :)

  13. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    good player with big potential
    gl bald ;d

  14. GodOfFail said:

    Good dm,good comms,he kinda carried team dynamo ^^ good luck

  15. d2m: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Nice lad, has some good potential. Look forward to seeing him getting better and better!

    GL pal :)

  16. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    wrex is super sick! :O

  17. tasKu: e-famous said:


  18. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    Awesome guy, very mature player with some pretty sick dm and gamesense.

  19. cappz's: -IFLH- said:

    Nice guy, has potential GL

  20. Golden said:

    Nice aim and gamesence, friendly and talkative. GL mate

  21. Trent: ‹Con› said:

    Good Soldier, nice to play with, bit ugly for a krogan but you get over it.

  22. Stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    just another internet stalker div2 kid

  23. murdik said:

    decent top div3 solly, gl ;)

  24. Pozitive: HWarriors said:

    One day, this boy couldn’t do anything, even not a single rocket jump. That was couple of years ago, and he’s still here. The bright side that he’s now older. I don’t know any downside, and not lying. There’s a huge potential in this guy. Get him in your squad, he’s capable of good work, and getting better and better. And he’s still active, he needs only a stable team. Maybe the last one is the hardest part. Good luck mate! :)

  25. wrex said:


  26. sLINKy: RS said:

    y u no put him up? nice dodge skill, good tactic, right member for top div3 team!

  27. wrex said:


  28. wrex said:

    was inactive, bump