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Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Hungary wrex

Posted: | Last Online:

Please dont even care about my nationality.
Left Rejects + have a girlfriend now. Im looking for a team as a backup solly (roamer). I can play 3 days a week (20.00CET – 22.30/23.00CET)

About myself:
– 15 yo
– Mature enough
– Good dm skill
– Willing to improve my skills
– Experience against div2/1 teams
– Love WWE and women
– gymrat

I prefer an english speaking active team that has a gameserver and a mumble server with mature and active players who are willing to improve their own and their team's skills.

add me for a chat

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43766511 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left aaa [6v6] wrex
Joined aaa [6v6] wrex
Left the new one [6v6] wrex
Left Brett Domino Trio [2v2] wrex
Joined the new one [6v6] wrex
Left Classic 6 [6v6] wrex
Joined Classic 6 [6v6] wrex
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] .
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Left 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Joined 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Brett Domino Trio [2v2] wrex
Joined Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Left padavan [6v6] wrex
Joined padavan [6v6] wrex
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Left Let us MOVE ! [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Joined ThePadavan [1v1] wrex
Left Newunionists Highlander ogc.hu [Highlander] wrex
Joined Let us MOVE ! [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Joined Newunionists Highlander ogc.hu [Highlander] Bullshit
Left Touched by a Soldier ! [2v2] wrex
Left from your nightmare with love... [1v1] wrex
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] wrex
Left inside Gaming [6v6] wrex
Joined inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Left inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Joined from your nightmare with love... [1v1] wrex
Joined Touched by a Soldier ! [2v2] DeadpoOl
Joined inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Left Extra Shiny Kings [2v2] wrex
Left Extra Shiny Kings [6v6] wrex
Joined Extra Shiny Kings [6v6] wrex
Left Toborzo Szazad [6v6] wrex
Joined Extra Shiny Kings [2v2] wrex
Joined Toborzo Szazad [6v6] wrex

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 26 2428
View Div 3 28 10677
View Div 3 14 10625
View Div 4 3 343
View Div 4 0 271
View Div 5 0 252
View Div 4/Div 5 4 342
View Low+ 6 431


  1. Loco: Mayo said:

    OH! what can i say about Wrex!” :D
    self obsessed, loves himself, has a huge Ego, lol
    Can play at a good div2 standard high div2,
    has good knowledge of all maps
    can go wayward at times and lose focus but overall a good fun guy to have in a team very loyal
    and a good person to have in your mumble,
    he also has a good personality and has been good to play with him over the seasons despite our up’s and downs i think its time wrex found a different team to play with and have a fresh start
    and likewise for myself so good luck hope things work out for you this season or the next
    peace out :)

  2. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    He’s funny :D
    and was good the few times I played with him, gl indoor-sunglasses

  3. Caeli: #T4F said:

    I always have imagine wrex like this:


    Really. lol.
    And he loves wrestling, so he has to be good at videogames :DDDDDD
    gl wrexling.

  4. wrex said:


  5. Bubble: swole. said:

    gl dude :)

  6. mrwhizz said:

    his kawaii

  7. wrex said:

    bump, with info now :O

  8. sphynx said:

    best teen ever. gl T-Wrex

  9. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    ” I can play 3 days a week ”
    ” Active ”
    WHAT?!: D

  10. wrex said:

    by active, i meant my sexual life. HA

  11. Izzy57 said:

    Gk wrex and continue your stream :[[

  12. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    “by active, i meant my sexual life” with the pictures i saw of you i can definetly say that this is a lie. Also actually a pretty good soldier not really talkactive from what ive seen/heard though.

  13. wrex said:

    read rec post, hurr durr bump

  14. Golden said:

    The bestest <3

  15. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    Sick Soldier EU

  16. wrex said:


  17. deli said:

    Played with him some mixes, pretty nice dm, awesome map knowlage, good lucky man. ;3

  18. wrex said:


  19. GodOfFail said:

    His DM skills are insane,and his gamesense is very developed.
    Good luck wrex! :D

  20. huhystah said:


  21. cho said:

    hes 15 yo and he joined 1000 days ago…?
    oh god hes a legend

  22. wrex said:

    just an ex. nerd i guess? :D

  23. wrex said:

    :( bump

  24. Ghostface: spire said:

    Nagy faszt magyar.

  25. wrex said:

    :DDDD yup, wish i wasnt hungarian :>

  26. Fodi said:

    We wish the same.

  27. wrex said:


  28. msh said:

    gl ma pretty boy.
    good and perspective guy, give him a try nao!

  29. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    Good player aim wise just his gamesense bringing him down goodluck mate

  30. wrex said:

    cheers, bump

  31. wrex said:


  32. wrex said:


  33. fl1p said:


  34. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    le bleu