ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany WLAN-Kabel

Posted: | Last Online:

As no german team seems to be recruiting, I would also take part in an international team!
German teams would still be my favs :)
S12 will be my first Season, but I´ve already played mixes&lobbys, so I know rollouts and so on. I also played HL tournament last season.
I can offer:
-friendly attitude, no raging, I play primarily for fun
-can play 19-22.00 CEST
-can both roam or pocket
-have Mumble and TS, of course
-solid,understandable English

Just add me on steam for a Trial!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48677296 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Mosby Boys ... und Diz [6v6] DizAmbiguation
Joined Mosby Boys ... und Diz [6v6] DCS
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake
Left Professional Porno Ping Pong Players [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Joined Popo-Club [6v6 Fun Team] PaRa
Joined CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] Gosz
Left Anale Randale [Highlander] WLAN-Kabel
Joined Anale Randale [Highlander] WLAN-Kabel
Left Dead Man Sells HL [Highlander] WLAN-Kabel
Joined Professional Porno Ping Pong Players [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Left Erdnuckels [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Joined Erdnuckels [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Left mentos. E-Sports [6v6] Heck
Joined mentos. E-Sports [6v6] WLAN-Kabel
Joined Dead Man Sells HL [Highlander] NoWhereMan

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5/Div 6 17 647
View Div 5/Div 6 25 784
View Div 5/Div 6 2 601
View Div 5/Div 6 3 633


  1. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    EDIT 28.04
    Would also play in an international team, as there are currently no german div 5/6 teams recruiting.
    So, feel free to trial me even if you don´t speak German

  2. OiEinherjer said:

    reele Einschätzung von mir… Div 6 ja aber keine Div 5, trotzdem sicher gute Tendenzen und mit nen ordentlichen Team am Arsch auch ausbaufähig. GL

  3. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Best username yet!

  4. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    ty :)

    Einherjer, mit Div 6 liegst du auch richtig, mehr will ich fürn Anfang auch nicht :)

  5. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    ty :)

    Einherjer, mit Div 6 liegst du auch richtig, mehr will ich fürn Anfang auch nicht :)…die letzten paar Mixes haben gezeigt dass Div 5 fürs erste nicht drin ist. Da fehlt einfach die Erfahrung

    btw: still searching