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Demoman  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Wiper

Posted: | Last Online:

YAOOO, I have in the past 2 seasons progressed quite abit as demoman and have played soldier alot before that. I have now found myself around a div 4 level and is seeking a strong established div4 team that looks to progress even more and achieve something. I found that although my next-best class is soldier, I'd much rather play demo so I've decided to stick to it. I am willing to form the team myself if enough players find their way to me and have potential, but of course joining an already established team is much nicer.
I am 17 years of age and wouldn't consider myself a rager, I speak Danish as it is my nationality but has fluent English as well. I play TF2 every day and seek to improve my game whether it's deathmatching, pcw'ing or getting mentored. I wish to have a team that has the same mindset of wanting to achieve something while having great fun.
I want a non-raging team, with a mumble + gameserver and some friendly players to have some great times with. Please, add me on Steam and let's see. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:53764412 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Lobby Heroes [6v6 Fun Team] Wiper
Joined Indeed REMNANT [6v6] konr
Left Garbage But Keen [6v6] Wiper
Joined Garbage But Keen [6v6] Jake
Left Wiper [1v1] Wiper
Left Flammen & Citronen [2v2] Wiper
Left Team Freedom [6v6] Wiper
Left Original Gangsters [Highlander] Wiper
Joined Team Freedom [6v6] HoneyBadger
Left nervousENERGY Black [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined nervousENERGY Black [6v6] Wiper
Left Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Left Velox [6v6] Wiper
Joined Wiper [1v1] Wiper
Joined Flammen & Citronen [2v2] Wiper
Joined Velox [6v6] Wiper
Joined Original Gangsters [Highlander] Wiper
Left itsallgood [Highlander] Wiper
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Wiper
Left Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Left The Other Guys [6v6] Wiper
Joined itsallgood [Highlander] Bulow
Joined The Other Guys [6v6] flexu
Left The Other Guys [6v6] flexu
Joined The Other Guys [6v6] Wiper
Left World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Wiper
Joined World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] SgtGala-vine
Left Dancing Toasters of Doom [Highlander] Mavado Vemos
Joined Dancing Toasters of Doom [Highlander] Mavado Vemos
Left Haze eSports [6v6] wnk1ee
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] wnk1ee

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View Div 3 22 797
View Div 4 10 328
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  1. Not said:

    He is a good player, every class, was playing solly with us but it seems he wants 2 play demo.

  2. Ch3Vy: FjK said:

    Great demoman and he deserves a good team!
    Gl mate! :)

  3. Alloy: VΛ // said:

    He’s an epic demoman that surprisingly never rages. Would be a wise choice to pick up.

  4. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    Definitely give this guy a shot.

  5. Pennyfarming said:

    Good demo, has some crazy pipe aim and if you can make sure to defend wiper in game he will carry every game you play in :>

  6. RW1911 said:

    Wiper’s a nice guy and a great demo. Credit to team undoubtedly x)

  7. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Very good dm

    Needs some agressive play style team players then he`ll beast..

  8. Wiper: idd. said:

    Thanks for your comments guys :)

  9. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    SICK demoman, has both aim and brain. Can definitely handle div 4.

  10. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    nice pipes

  11. >___<: Aero said:

    wouldn’t consider myself a rager

    IDK Wiper : And Icarus, you go shut the fuck up mate. You got no right to speak down from your shithole, tally-ho idiot!

    and many more.


  12. Wiper: idd. said:

    Just because you don’t have a future in ETF2L yourself, you don’t have to mock on people who have. Classic bully rofl.
    Well hope you had your fun.

    oh, and this seems familiar too


  13. >___<: Aero said:

    Just because you don’t have a future in ETF2L yourself, you don’t have to mock on people who have. Classic bully rofl.

    people who have.
    people who have.
    people who have.
    people who have.

    bad d5 demo lol who actually thinks mge means shit and rage removes me cause he can’t beat me in MGE and calls me a troll for having l33tpr0 dm

    “He’s unoriginal and uses catch phrases from other people, so awesome” – Selo.

    stop mad pls
    wiper sotp

  14. DjShrew said:

    >___< and u are?

    Wiper is a decent demo, but not sure whether he is read for div 4 quite yet. however was a while ago since we last played, seem to remeber he was a nice guy also.

  15. >___<: Aero said:

    don’t mind me i just troll wiper