ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European RIB

Posted by Lobsteri: | Last Online:

TL;DR Medic needed to replace Lobsteri for time being. He will be moved to sub due to issues.

Wintermoon is an experimental team project formed for creating an enviroment for players that can voluntarily contribute to the team and climb divs or form bigger teams under this name.

The goal of this team is not to create a community, but a community-like cohesion based on players in Wintermoon. If you want Wintermoon Highlander for instance and you want to be a leader of it, go for it! My resources are limited to 6s in terms of game knowledge, but I'm always willing to help. Anything and everything is appreciated!

Team will launch off as a 6s team. We will be playing S18 on Division 5/6, although div can depend on the players on the team. I will be playing as Medic.

Set of Rules and info:
* We STOP playing on 21CET.

* We play around 2-3 scrims per week, with maptalks when we need them

* No shittalking towards our fellow players or the opposing team, we want sportsmanship

* Reliability is key. Arrive on scrims/maptalks/officials in time, DON'T BE LATE. Message in advance if you can't show up.

* Age requirement +16 years.

* Good english makes everything easier

Things that are + (not mandatory):
* Previous experience from Seasons
* Maincaller (I currently maincall, but if you think you are confident with your maincalling skills, you're free to take my spot)

Add me or FonexiA https://etf2l.org/forum/user/91361/ for discussion!

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  1. Lobsteri said:

    Bump, we’ll play couple maps on thursday 20cet if you’re interested of taking a look at my team

  2. Lobsteri said:

    Bump, still needing that pocket mang

  3. korbb: lol hl said:

    Add me if you’re interested – Played div4/3 medic (ugc plat as well) but returning to soldier for future seasons, have experience and strats.

  4. Jackie said:

    I have experience playing 6s Scout (I quit my old team)
    I would like to be sub scout / sub roamer
    I have over 60 lobbies as scout and 30 roamer
    Add me if interested:

  5. Lobsteri said:

    Bump, studies began to overwhelm a bit too much for me. We are now looking for a Medic. I will be moved as a sub.