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Medic  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom WildCard

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to join a team for next season (partisipation in ESL a must :P) find me on irc in mpuk2 or europe.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10982237 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Blame [6v6] WildCard
Joined Blame [6v6] WildCard
Left RUSH [6v6] WildCard
Joined RUSH [6v6] pukz
Left Die Homofoerster [6v6 Fun Team] WildCard
Left Team IceWind [6v6] WildCard
Joined Team IceWind [6v6] Winter20
Left 21 Grams [6v6] WildCard
Joined 21 Grams [6v6] skatcher
Left Karnage eSports [6v6] WildCard
Joined Die Homofoerster [6v6 Fun Team] baerbel
Left Instaflip [6v6 Fun Team] WildCard
Joined Karnage eSports [6v6] Bee
Left Monkey Gamers [Highlander] WildCard
Left Monkey-Gamers [6v6] WildCard
Joined Instaflip [6v6 Fun Team] BvD
Left Monkey Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] WildCard
Joined Monkey Gamers [Highlander] Dirt
Joined Monkey Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] WildCard
Joined Monkey-Gamers [6v6] WildCard

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High- 2 532
View High 11 1014
View Mid+ 41 1812


  1. Loco: Mayo said:

    better than Mirelin and he is prem :D
    gluck wcard

  2. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Be(a)st Medic.

  3. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    Really helped me out when I needed it . Great guy and awesome medic

  4. shifty: Sir said:

    This guy, this fucking guy.

    Div 1 easy, no lower.

  5. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:


  6. W!nTer#20: .iw. - Rambase.ro said:

    What turbomonkey said.

  7. Arcadizz1e: PwR - Pixie <3 said:

    better than foster, not as good as jesus

  8. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    the best medic i know. gl

  9. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    im not sure if we are talking about the same person here. he made nos quit tf2, enough sad!

    good med doesnt like outlanders )))

  10. WildCard said:

    I didnt make him quit, I simply pointed him towards the door :P <3 nos

  11. evokje: WiK? said:

    awesome medic
    good luck )

  12. WildCard said:


  13. Demourge: EPA said:

    Me and WildCard have never seen eye to eye much, but despite my opinion about his personality he is quite a decent medic and I’m sure he’s not a bad guy on mumble.
