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HeavyMedicPyro  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Who’s the Tory in Balamory?

Posted by Josh: | Last Online:


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  1. Giz said:

    Hello, I am alright as a med and heavy. Can count uber. Do comp rollouts and all so I am flexible.

  2. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:

    do heavy mains exist

  3. why said:

    hello,i would join in your team on the medic role.ready to die and imrove myself.

  4. Hikari: SeG said:

    Hey, willing to join as Heavy. Played a bit of comp before but still looking for ways to improve.

  5. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:


  6. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:


  7. rarityF: HYDRO said:

    can play demo and soldier role

  8. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:
