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Demoman  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Bulgaria hmm

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for team.
Trial me.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:88676831 Add Friend

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  1. The11thNinja: fenneks - fnx.hl said:

    easy div3

  2. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    easy div3

  3. hmm said:

    wtf trolls?
    it says div5

  4. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    Ei lamq, nqmash pravo da pishesh v tozi forum we ne razbra li, vrushtai se v pomiinata si qma i zagroznqvai oshte we.

  5. BaTMaN: [MC] said:

    male toq Lamqta kak vse oshte ima sili da jiveee,hohene we,stiga vidq li theshadow kakvi picove ima s lamqta we,hvanal go e v nqkvi ludi kadri we

  6. Nii-Sama said:

    hi, we need a demoman for this season.
    We’re trolling bunnies rainbow and we are actually playin in div 5
    add me on steam if u are instrested.

  7. BaTMaN: [MC] said:
