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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

England w293

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, I'm quite new to tf2, want to start cometitive, add me or leave a comment, thanks for reading.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86581913 Add Friend

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  1. Arcadizz1e: PwR - Pixie <3 said:

    gl, consider changing your name to something that sounds more pro gaming like

    the dominator or the crucifier etc

  2. Laerin: -9w- said:

    Don’t tell him that, he might actually do it… But still, you could do better than W293… That’s not even a name.

    Also, checked out the IDK/NE newbie mixes?

  3. w293 said:

    Thanks for the comments already!

    W293 comes from the name that I worked under for 3 years.

    Mr Arcadizz1e, what do you suggest i change my name to?

    Mr Laerin, what are these mixes? People just ask people to play games?

  4. Laerin: -9w- said:

    Ok, here’s the group page with all the instructions: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/6v6newmix

    And here’s something I typed out for someone else, hope you find it useful:

    Also recommend looking at this thread: http://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-12510/?recent=274229

    Tf2 lobby http://tf2lobby.com/ to get used to 6v6 format with a bunch of people who don’t play like a team should.

    Most played maps are cp_badlands, cp_granary and cp_gullywash_pro. Gullywash being a custom map which you can find along with just about any other competitively played map here: http://etf2l.org/forum/maps/?recent=324227

    DM servers and MGE servers are good for brushing up aim such as the nervous energy MGE server:

    Recommend downloading a custom HuD such as m0res (also contains a custom crosshair, all instruction on site): http://m0re.nocrits.com/
    and using one of chris’ fps configs (dx 9 frames to max frames, depending on your setup, 120+ constant is ideal): http://www.fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/

    You’ll also need mumble: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Main_Page

    Viqun has a youtube channel with scout povs and their mumble comms which is quite useful: http://www.youtube.com/user/QunTV

    Fragga’s soldier tutorial covers quite a bit also although stuff like the coldfront/ashville, gunboats rollouts and a lot of the jumps he shows, you won’t need: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJs9qOr5D10

    http://www.Vanillatf2.org regularly casts games and also allows you to listen in to team comms, both options being equally good choices. Casted games can be found on the justin.tv channel such as this one: http://www.justin.tv/vanillatv/b/291159593 (starts at 26 minutes in)

    The nervous energy double mix is far better than tf2lobby but you also have the option of pixelpickups which you can play in once you have the basic 6v6 stuff down. You’ll either need an irc client such as xchat 2: http://www.silverex.org/news/ or you can also use the webchat: http://webchat.quakenet.org/.

    You’ll need to authenticate yourself which you can find out about on quakenet.org and then join #pixeltf2.pickup on the quakenet server and add up as whatever class you want.

    Rest such as other rollout info and other basics you can find in the first link.