ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Pyro  Prem/High Skill, Highlander

Romania Vlad

Posted: | Last Online:

etf2l s11

main or sub doesn't matter (as long as I get to play every once in a while as a sub)

add me

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:69092082 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The fresh pills from bel air [Highlander] shinso
Left inVision [Highlander] Vlad
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left the avengers [Highlander] Vlad
Joined the avengers [Highlander] tiram
Left Gacky Googmans GABAGOOL [Highlander] Vlad
Joined Gacky Googmans GABAGOOL [Highlander] yak
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] gambit
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] Boston Bob
Left inVision [Highlander] Vlad
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Vlad
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Nate
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] Demos
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Nate
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] goMY
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Vlad
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Spycy
Left inVision [Highlander] Vlad
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left The Poker Stars [Highlander] Vlad
Joined The Poker Stars [Highlander] Vlad
Left Chaos [Highlander] Vlad
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Left Medik Is Spy! [6v6 Fun Team] Vlad
Left Sol Invictus [6v6] Vlad
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Joined Chaos [Highlander] nole
Left Sol Invictus [Highlander] Sult4n
Joined Sol Invictus [6v6] Sult4n
Joined Sol Invictus [Highlander] Sult4n
Joined Medik Is Spy! [6v6 Fun Team] Sult4n
Left Scorched Feathers [Highlander] Vlad
Left Mole's Brave Lads [6v6] Vlad
Joined Mole's Brave Lads [6v6] Tom Spillfat
Joined Scorched Feathers [Highlander] TeeTaan

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/High 6 672
View Prem/High 4 504
View Prem 7 639


  1. robin said:

    best pyro i’ve ever played with and also good guy with top notch memes

  2. stingHan: inVincible said:


  3. tavi: .*・。゚*☆ said:


  4. ivan: TC said:

    pretty sick

  5. goMY: said:

    big flames

  6. dragon_slayer72: SENS said:

    really fucking good

  7. Popkern: BE. said:

    rip xdck

  8. Vlad: pills said:


  9. bluR-: Pander said:

    amazing pyro <3

  10. Tercio said:


  11. Sult4n: $$ said:

    Nothing less than top high for this beast of a pyro

  12. k0zak said:

    Best Pyro, best team-mate i’ve ever had. His confidence in himself is what makes him so great. Vlad’s core abilities as a pyro is truly incredible – any prem team should consider him.

  13. Vlad: pills said:


  14. robin said:

    the best of the best
    mafia mia <3

  15. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Bit of a king ?