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Sniper  Open Skill, Highlander

Austria ValorousTF

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to play as sniper on a main roster (Yes this means don't add me if you want me to sub)
I can play at pretty much all hours at the moment.

I've already had experience sniping in 6's as a flex main, and i'm wanting to play hl on a team full time.

I'd also prefer an English speaking team.

Add my steam if you want, you can leave a comment here too but i'm more likely to respond on steam.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94902950 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Mixed Emotions [6v6] DrHappiness
Left ETF2L.org [6v6 Fun Team] DrHappiness
Joined ETF2L.org [6v6 Fun Team] DrHappiness
Left Badlands Badgers [6v6] ValorousTF
Left dmoule fanclub [Highlander] ValorousTF
Joined Badlands Badgers [6v6] Traxgarte
Left Badlands Badgers [6v6] ValorousTF
Left Manlet support group [2v2] ValorousTF
Joined dmoule fanclub [Highlander] Cyanic
Left Roper eSports [Highlander] ValorousTF
Joined Roper eSports [Highlander] Roper
Joined Manlet support group [2v2] Stock
Joined Badlands Badgers [6v6] Traxgarte
Left Fresh Woah [6v6 Fun Team] ValorousTF
Left Badlands Badgers [6v6] ValorousTF
Joined Badlands Badgers [6v6] Traxgarte
Left Cognitive Contortions [6v6] ValorousTF
Joined Fresh Woah [6v6 Fun Team] Drummer
Joined Cognitive Contortions [6v6] Drummer

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  1. Cyanic: BRIT said:

    Good sniper, always shows up for scrims

    Can pound open easily

  2. Mr.XxX said:

    good aim, should rek in open

  3. Traxgarte said:

    2:47 – valobwai: trax u FAgGot GimME gOod CommENts

    Gud aim.

  4. Stock: KAAS said:

    good aim would recommend
    (stop feeding pls)