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SniperSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International Vålming

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Im an 16 year old average guy from sweden! Im looking for a div 6/5for team in team tress 2. I want my team to be nice and mature but still a team that I can have a laugh with!

Ive played a huge amount of fps games for example ive played Cs and Css on a very high level so I got a huge amount of aim skills from there! Ive also played some tf2 with my friends and I have whatched alot of live tf2 streams and I got alot of basics from there

I prefer ventrilo but skype,mumble,teamspeak Is not a problem for me!

Prefer a Swedish team but a european would do just fine!:)

Looking farward for answers Bye, Valming.

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