ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

England Cockwombles Of Wimbledon Common

Posted by thpathm: | Last Online:

only looking for subs now

Team Profile

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View High/Mid 6 1189
View High/Mid 2 747
View High/Mid 2 749


  1. Funs said:

    100% successful coaching record

  2. damneasy said:

    wow good team tbh :) very nice guy :) good luck :)

  3. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:

    thank you damn easy :-)

  4. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    Deserves a good high team as he can play every class to a solid level. Don’t make him have to play on another shit maxi team….

  5. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    great team name

  6. Pred said:

    pretty sure he owns a biscuit company…

  7. Maxi: BRIT said:

    confirmed for absolute slammers.

  8. yak said:


  9. torrit said:

    try saying this to my face bigman

  10. Charlie said:

    this team name is amazing holy shit

  11. Krisso said:

    Hello , I saw you’re looking for good players.
    My name is T.I and I’m from Bulgaria.I am pocket main with 1500+ hours on soldier.I’ve been playing a few seasons with an alt but decided to retire for a bit.Now i’b back ready for some action(tryhard mode activated).I’ve been playing comp since i started the game and now i’m looking for a good and well disciplined team.Also I have experience in high.
    Thanks and Ilook forward to hearing from you soon.

  12. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    Hello , I saw you’re looking for good players.
    My name is nurwhal and I’m from ireland.I am pocket main with 1500+ hours on soldier.I’ve been playing a few seasons with an alt but decided to retire for a bit.Now i’b back ready for some action(tryhard mode activated).I’ve been playing comp since i started the game and now i’m looking for a good and well disciplined team.Also I have experience in high.
    Thanks and Ilook forward to hearing from you soon.

  13. Krisso said:

    goddamn asshole

  14. zaint said:

    lmao ^

  15. Shuffles_: TC said:

    Interested to trial. Either scout position

  16. nurse said:

    hello im going to register for medic, i have quite a lot of skills and genrally a good medic. i have a mic and good internet connection and im a brit who gets angry ;). i see 3 registered players on your team and wondering if i can be the fourth. have a nice day :3 -nurse walrus

  17. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:
