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Demoman  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Turkey turkuaz

Posted: | Last Online:

now with golden stick , ofc d2 brahs

can help you while you are creating a team . can take responsibility
but ofc stable teams prefered . i really want to play d3 so plz give me a d3 team :P

i joined a team to help them finishing season .
about me :
good dm
willing to improve
can go over demos and tactical things etc etc
good pills
have hl team , i might play with them 3 days

about you :
division 3 is a must likely
well plz play at least 4-5 days in week .
im available nearly all days . i dont want to write lots here .

hit me up on steam

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87660643 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Placeholdername [Highlander] anni
Joined Placeholdername [Highlander] anni
Left titSkafe [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined titSkafe [Highlander] Ace
Joined Super Dickmanns LEGENDS! [6v6 Fun Team] anni
Left The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] turkuaz
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Left 20$yl Remix [6v6] turkuaz
Joined 20$yl Remix [6v6] Tuto
Left Mad? [Highlander] turkuaz
Left HELP HELPERS [6v6] h3x
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] turkuaz
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] inferius
Joined HELP HELPERS [6v6] Konna
Joined Mad? [Highlander] Billy
Left hoodbros [6v6] turkuaz
Left Yes Future [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined hoodbros [6v6] rytis
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left Voodooh [Highlander] anni
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Left Elites Alliance [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Elites Alliance [6v6] miu drops
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Jedi(fla)master
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] turkuaz
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] inferius
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Left Addict e-Sports // Turquoise [6v6] turkuaz
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined Addict e-Sports // Turquoise [6v6] turkuaz
Left Deathline HL [Highlander] inferius
Left no name yet [6v6] turkuaz
Joined no name yet [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Deathline HL [Highlander] turkuaz
Left This I Love [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined little turku [1v1] turkuaz
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined turkuaz cant strafe [2v2] turkuaz
Left we smoke a lot [2v2] turkuaz
Joined we smoke a lot [2v2] turkuaz
Joined This I Love [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 4 396
View Div 2 33 1021
View Div 4 0 287
View Div 2 8 457
View Div 3 10 615
View Div 2/Div 3 5 513
View Div 3/Div 4 7 436
View Div 3/Div 4 37 1215
View Div 3 26 1017
View Div 3 25 779
View Div 3/Div 4 8 389
View Div 3/Div 4 13 517
View Div 4 15 804
View Div 4/Div 5 12 554
View Div 4/Div 5 6 322


  1. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    good demo

  2. Kaneco said:

    I loved playing with him last season, shame it didnt work out in UCAP.

    He is an excellent demo and a very calm and chill guy

  3. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Very nice person, and a capable demoman that will shine in a team that is ready to guide him properly and provide constructive criticism.

    Good luck Turkuaz!

  4. FLOWER: said:

    Cool guy. But from what i remember he should stop saying im sorry for everything he does, and be more confident. Will handle div3 well in a proper div3 team.

  5. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    calling me shittalker in some rec posts(its true)


    in-game he is good

  6. miu drops said:

    a skilful and calm demo, div3 for sure, as flower said, he should be more confident to himself, gl as always bro

  7. turkuaz said:

    well yeah you are right bro , i need to be more confident but saying sorry is better than explaining why you did that move . ill try to make it less , thanks for the criticism

    and love you all <3 and thanks for the comments

  8. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    cool guy and trying his best ! gl mate

  9. Lokter: UCAP. - 8D said:

    Great guy, and a good Demoman. He just needs a team that suits his play style and more chance to practice. We didn’t practice enough for him to improve and we let him down a bit.

    gl Turk <3

  10. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    difficult personality and unwillingness to change means you’ll have to do an ipz and actually get good

  11. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    oh shit, wrong post! meant damneasy. turkuaz is the opposite

  12. turkuaz said:

    thanks lokter :* and fraac lol :D

  13. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:

    pretty bad

  14. turkuaz said:


  15. turkuaz said:

    bump it and thanks svins

  16. Griffin said:

    flower and miudrops are completely right, so gl with your search in div3

  17. turkuaz said:


  18. turkuaz said:

    bumpy dumpy

  19. Griffin said:

    WHY you updated your rec post with div2 bro, pls. div3 is pretty fine for you believe me (cuz div4 is easy for you I know), but not even near of div2 yet. bump and wish you the best of luck :) pick him up!

  20. Griffin said:

    wish you the best for you* (sorry for my english)

  21. Droodl3: TSM said:

    ehhh not div 2, more 3/4, smart player though, can improve

  22. turkuaz said:

    im just kidding guys , “now with golden stick , ofc d2 brahs” means im not d2 but i have my trading skills . lol guys you took it serious

  23. Griffin said:

    yea, we’re etf2l rec post policemen you know bro :D we’re all serious :D

  24. turkuaz said:

    bump it

  25. turkuaz said:

    bump it .

  26. kane: Seagulls said:

    Didn’t play much with him, so I won’t really judge his personality, but has decent DM

  27. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    Has pretty fantastic DM from what I’ve seen, he’s a friendly and calm guy who’s great to have around – pick him up for sure!

  28. turkuaz said:

    bump it !

  29. Condawg: DTR said:

    played 2 or 3 matches with him in NF, great demo, knows what hes talking about

  30. turkuaz said:

    give me the team plz , and thanks guys . at least some trials to play

  31. turkuaz said:

    bump it ?

  32. OldSpic3 said:

    Didnt really talk to him, but i know how he plays.
    really good demoman and seems nice guy too :)
    good luck man

  33. Droodl3: TSM said:

    changes the div he’s looking for on etf2l when pointed out he isn’t that div

  34. turkuaz said:

    well i was looking for d3 team from start droodle, changed it for d2 whenever i got my golden stick . about the last post , i think you should go on it then talk about it i believe

  35. rytis: PrettyGay said:

    good lad, has some good dm, sometimes was hard to understand him tho.
    best of luck m8

  36. h3x: bedgetf2 said:


  37. turkuaz said:

    yep bump

  38. Hat said:

    fantastic demo, held back by byte getting all the heals

    a massive shame

  39. Griffin said:

    ahahah hat <3 bump

  40. Rei said:

    ahahah biggie <3 bump